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About Linky

  1. Good figures bud. Not normal for the EJ20 to have more torque than HP. By the look of your graph thought you might have dropped a EJ25 bottom end in. Enjoy the car!!!!
  2. Yup well done all....
  3. I must admit ive never had any hassels with mine. Coat the landing faces and threads in copperslip or molycote and dont overtighten them and there is not a problem.
  4. Is all the places taken Now????
  5. I have used millers and royal purple racing 41 for the last year on track. AT 120 DegC the royal purle which is the same grade I.e 10 cst and40cst @ 100deg runs .05 barG higher oil pressure than the millers. I know most people in the racing faterintyt on here run millers but just speaking from my experience. I hope this helps Regards Colin
  6. Im a bit slow but i can lift heavy things.....what points are you on about?
  7. Cusco kid on scoobynet, think geo is on here also?
  8. Lookin' good Geo.....I hope that's Cusco approved steel work!!!....Looks wicked in paint.
  9. Here here......
  10. Erm, No not a mkII escort dude
  11. Not a mkII to be seen ?????? cant be a real rally car lot without a mkII
  12. Just thought i'd post about this as JW was telling me about his G/Box issues similiar it seems to mine. As i stated before, i dont like how short the 6MT G/box ratio's are and the issues that these box's have with the baulk rings etc I looked for some advice on the matter as i was going to persue the costly train of buying a 5 speed box and changing the 1-4 trains for PPG kit (3k for bits). Therefore giving me a strong box with longer gears for my new build engine which will hopefully yield larger power/torque outputs. This is an alternative route and i have been in contact with the company concerned, although still awaiting info on max torque levels these gears are rated too. It will allow me to retain my own box and replace the output shaft and 1-6 gears for longer and stronger gears (1st has same ratio as original). Going to go with the billet forks which will eliminate the weak plastic ends the OEM forks have and the carbon baulk rings which will eliminate the syncro issues common on these boxes. Although i believe that sti9 onwards was fitted as standard with the carbon baulk rings so you would not need them JW. Ralispec do a conversion kit for gears 2-4 (RST-U145kit) or 2-6 (RST-F145kit) - for surprisingly little money. Whilst you've got the box open you might aswell fit either their billet shifter set or the carbon baulk ring set. http://www.rallispec.com/prod_trans.htm All this is available for around the 1k mark + delivery + VAT unless you know someone going there on there hols Hope this is of help Cheers Colin
  13. Just something from my side.... I have a 3" turbo back system i.e not a cat in sight. Car is a MY04 sti with a 20G,70mm CAIK, Walbro, AVCR etc etc and my car goes through an MOT without failing on emissions . No cloak and dagger MOT stations, i have been to various. Car was mapped by the man AF. Some modern cars will go through MOT after mapping without a cat as they are usually leaned out. I know they are running closed loop when on low load but my car goes through without issue. My AFR's are fine although leaner in places than before my first mapping. Also anyone with a WRX (JW i believe ,although looks like a nice sti dude) may most likely find, providing you still have your Tumbler valves in and operational, that your emissions may well be within the legal tolerance even with a de cat and map. This is due to the efficient running of the engine and the complete mixing of the fuel in the inlet manifold due to the turbulent flow that the TGV (tumblers) develop. What exactly is the punishment for excessive NOx and CO emissions??.....AFAIK its usually a 21 day horty to produce your docs and get a MOT station to sign a chitty proving that your car now passes the test.....not sure on this one but please correct me if im wrong. As to the original post about mapping in "pops and bangs"... in order to do this your fuelling will be increased higher up in the rev range, thereby when you lift off the throttle the excessive unburnt fuel will then go into your exhaust and explode. While this may be entertaining it is counter productive with regards to power as you are losing power by running to rich, all be it hardly noticable, due to area of increased fuelling. But you are also causing your turbo to do things its not supposed to . I.e uneven pressure in exh system i.e changes in back pressure, sudden changes in exhaust system temp, pressure pulses causing extreme changes in turbine velocity, excessive carbon build up on turbine blades- reducing effiecieny and creating possible im-balance Your turbo will take this, but it is not ideal conditions for it to operate in and would most likely causes failure before one that was operating in more normal condtions. Oh... cats tend not to like explosions happening in them so id not waste my money on a sports cat to see it get blown to bits. Just my 0.000002p worth Cheers Colin
  14. Any picts of the job?
  15. Fully agreed and thats what we all want..... what i meant was..... Understeer is "deemed" to be safe Geo, as thats why it is generally dialed in by the OEM to most production vehicles as im sure you'll agree. If your car goes of the road forwards its deemed to be the fault of the driver. If a company produced very rear happy car and lots of there cars went off the road backwards it is deemed the fault of the company in producing a car that deos not handle "safely". I hate understeer and love oversteer but a neutral ballance is the more than likely fastest way around most racetracks, although it may not seem like it as a slide around tends to feel alot faster. This is why i'll be giving you a call and buying a new front and rear roll bar to fix the mistake i made of fitting a 24 front and a 22 rear Cheers Colin
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