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Big Gordon

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Everything posted by Big Gordon

  1. Love the car Boab, very nice Will hopefully get a better look at it at the next Lanark meet?
  2. Car's looking great Barry, good pics too
  3. Very nice Bobby
  4. Very cool car mate , it's almost identical to mine
  5. John, sent you a goat, have you still got the struts mate?
  6. Looking forward to this one too
  7. I'm sure someone may have some info for you. In the meantime, get some pics up
  8. Nice pics Noel, was good to catch up with you, Tam, Grant, Imy and the others today. Had a great day, will try and get some pics up. All the SIDC cars were looking great
  9. Looking great Mark, i thought your car was silver too??
  10. Planning on heading up tomorrow. Is it park and ride for the general public??
  11. rear passenger side Neil.
  12. As title says, clunking from rear nearside. MY03 WRX Gordon
  13. I'm in Hamilton, so should be ok for this
  14. Some nice models there Neil. Been collecting 1/18 scale diecast for a couple of years. I've got around 80 at the mo
  15. Glad to hear you changed your mind. Took mine a run up to Glencoe last Sunday and on the way there a stone from a passing car hit my windscreen , chipped the window and created 5 spider cracks, one of which has now grown to about 7 inches. This'll be the 2nd windscreen in about 6 months, didn't take away from the enjoyment of the driving though. That's life, deal with it and move on
  16. Taking styling tips from overhaulin' is fine as long as it's for an American car and done well. That's a mess
  17. Car's lookin' great Neil
  18. Lovely looking car Jim, like that a lot
  19. Looks good John . Are you selling the wheel nuts as i'm looking for a new set?
  20. Andy, car is awesome. Jelous doesn't even cover it
  21. Love the wheels, nice one
  22. Is there one available for a blobeye? Couldn't find one on Ht Autos site.
  23. Looks great Barry, think i'll be adding one of them to my "to do" list. See what you've started
  24. Nice one Paul, crackin' roads. Car's looking great mate
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