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Diablo Blaze

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Everything posted by Diablo Blaze

  1. Good to hear your still around mate, all be it 6000 miles away
  2. How weird is that, your right Karl that is amazing. Nice find man [Y]
  3. Change ..................scary [:|]
  4. I live in Sandbach so the Alex is not a million miles away from me. Will see what I'm upto.
  5. I'm still here don't worry, had a rough couple of weeks.
  6. Blue Boy X 3 Bluebotle X 4 Willo X 2 Diablo x 3.5 depending on date.
  7. Fingers crossed for you buddy. [Y]
  8. All our best Bob, fingers crossed all is well []
  9. Have to agree that does look fun, great when you have nothing to run in to
  10. yes, the most popular being get the **** off !!!!!!!!! LMAO []
  11. Just amazing!!!!!!!! Dokken's Heaven Sent what a tune! ^^/ {oIo} ^^/
  12. Cool, moved to CADS Events, where I suppose this belongs. [] http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/thread/985739.aspx
  13. Ok what about the last Friday of the month the 27th of July. Is this any better for people?.
  14. Bloody nice pics old chap. Got to ask, do you live in a stately home Karlos?. You rich git.
  15. Lol, now its funny you should say that Si.
  16. Right Lets put it to a vote. Curry Chinese Steak House Pub Mexican What dus u all reckon?
  17. Boo Yakka Sha! there it is
  18. How about Friday 13th Of July and we include partners too, make a good night of it. ..or just us blokes [:|]
  19. Isn't that Wan Kings place. []
  20. Anyone got any suggestions?, Could do with somewhere in the middle for all of us, I suppose its Northwich or Chester way?. Plenty of secure parking, not centre of town. Out in the stick would be cool. Panama Hatties maybe? (Granted its not a curry house).
  21. LOL! your a funny man Karl. Right just you wait []
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