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Diablo Blaze

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Everything posted by Diablo Blaze

  1. I have actually received a letter from my local council, informing me that there has been a spree of Scooby thefts in the area. They have informed me to keep an eye on my security etc and not to leave my keys where thief's can fish for them through the letter box. How the heck would my council know what car I drive anyway and why would they take the time bothering to find out. Nice to know I have a kind and considerate council.
  2. I will defo be there now, Dawn is back at home. Theres goes my peace and quiet.
  3. Try throwing the plane in the roof fan.
  4. What a quality find. 89.29m is my best Can't beat you Andy, obviously you have too much time on your hands mate.
  5. Still can't say, will try but mum may be in hospital for another few days yet. Will keep you posted.
  6. Thanks folks. Mum and baby are still doing fine
  7. Very true, the only mod now will be another rear baby seat.
  8. thanks fellas. Yep we have a new addition to the family. Mother and baby are doing fine. Will keep you posted.
  9. Should we say about 7.30pm then chaps. I've started a new thread in the events section for the formalities and the attendee list. Can be found here
  10. Also sorry to see you go Lee, I suppose you gotta do what you gotta do in life, even if it is buying a Saab. My words are the same as Jonah's, so good luck mate and pop back soon.
  11. 21st is good for me.
  12. Lol thats my IQ and its 3.6
  13. Good luck with the sale Lee.
  14. I hope you spat in it before returning it mate Good job though son
  15. Lets sort a date and meet up then. Right dates anyone?
  16. ...and I lie
  17. Looks good mate, nice motor too.
  18. Lee, better be safe than sorry mate, find the nearest bus route.
  19. Why dont we try a midweek meeting towards the end o the month and see if that generates a bit more interest. What night is best for you folk?
  20. Are we having a meet in September?
  21. ... what a week you have just had then. Sorry to hear of your misfurtune mate, hope things get sorted for you both. Chin up mate.
  22. ........on it's way
  23. Congrats to you both Dan, Surprised you stayed awake along enough to tell us. Have fun,
  24. Nice a presence at last, good work Mr Jones. I can see a whip round on the cards, I believe you have subsidised the domain registration etc. Nice one buddy, will send a list of mods, when I get a spare tick. Will get some car stickers done. Top banana
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