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Diablo Blaze

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Everything posted by Diablo Blaze

  1. LMAO [] thats funny
  2. My thoughts exactly Karl[] You better get a bigger battery Andy!!!!![] Here you go!!! SPECIFICATIONS Weight: 131.70 pounds Length: 20.75 inches Width: 11 inches Height: 9.63 inches Cranking Amps: 1750 Cold Cranking Amps: 1400 Voltage: 12 Termination: A So where can I get one of those then, can put more gadgets on then. Oh and my neons!
  3. No mate, still the same at the moment, its just preparation for the next step. Just debating which way to go. Went in a lad from work mates STi the other night with NOS on it, jesus christ it was unbelievable. Extra hundred bhp on a button. It hurt it accelerated that fast, from 40 to 120 was just unreal. It wasn't a cheap system granted but apparently 100% safe. It constantly monitors what the car is doing and reacts to it, stopping the engine from going bang. It was just a standard 52 plated STi with PPP. He's had it on there for nearly 2 years he reckons with no trouble. He also reakons his 0 - 60 is down in the late 3's. Amazing. [] It the way forward I tell thee. NOS NOS NOS NOS !
  4. Just wondering if anyone fancied a club curry one night?.
  5. lol, not even one then [:^)]
  6. OMG!!!!! [] dude you are a f*&^%#g rock god, that is truely amazing. Feeder the mugs definatly made a big mistake. Dokken rule!!!!!!
  7. Just an everyday occurance at our place. Nice find though Karl
  8. will be when my ebay neons arrive [Y]
  9. Thats why you have two eyes [:S]
  10. Got some more electrical schanazzel installed today, Just need my interior neons now [:|]
  11. That's a bit random
  12. Nice Karl, good job buddy, looks really good mate.
  13. Calculating your score.. Questions correct: 8 / 10 You took 82 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 718 You earned 8 FunTrivia Bucks! (will be awarded tonight when final scores are set)
  14. Calculating your score.. Questions correct: 10 / 10 You took 794 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 400 You earned 10 FunTrivia Bucks! (will be awarded tonight when final scores are set) AAAAHHHHHHH THE CLOCK ! [:S]
  15. Blooming swatty kids [8-|]
  16. Get out in the elements you wuss, have you never heard of a ka-gool. [] There is no such thing as bad weather, it's only bad clothing [:S] Jesus Andy, Were you in the Army, thats what they used to say to us. Salvation Army, all I'm fit for []
  17. Maybe the youth in the states better send his CV into Subaru in Japan. Might make them a bit of extra revenue with that design. [Y]
  18. Get out in the elements you wuss, have you never heard of a ka-gool. [] There is no such thing as bad weather, it's only bad clothing [:S]
  19. ....................that sounds like exercise [:|]
  20. I already have one mate, sorry. Fleabay is the place to put that sucka!
  21. ............and we all thought you were just being down right ignorant ! []
  22. they al;l went ages ago unless you mean second hand?? I might know something you don't then
  23. they al;l went ages ago unless you mean second hand?? Not if you know the right people they ain't.
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