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Posts posted by euan_r

  1. pals looking to buy first scoob. theres a cheapish ra on offer but its

    got automatic gearbox. wouldnt like it my self and have doubts about

    box lasting. Anybody had any experience with automatic scoobs? going to

    hold of judgement untill i test drive it though.

  2. brilliant day. big thanks to gogsie for the pax laps, thoroughly enjoyed [:D][Y]. Well done to craig for providing heating in the pit lane [:D]. Good to meet some more members. Cant believe the boy with black wrx trying to drive home with no engine oil [;)]

  3. phil they have spare socket like uk ecus as well. But never read the post right. If your going to remap then theres no point buying another ecu. my point was that z4 is best factory map if u wanted to swap ecus. z4 is for td05 though.

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