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Posts posted by StrikE

  1. Thats the 2nd one ive broken by the slightest of nudges, today was against a bit of snow!!!

    so the dam things coming off and not being replaced.

    Nothing worse m8 :D

    And to top it all i seen the weirdest thing today a guy trimming the hairs on the inside of his nose with SCISSORS whilst drivng!!!


    Weirdest thing is wimin drivers ..... period. :D

  2. If you dont have aero blades then i would highly recommend them, they used to come fitted to most high end cars but are just about standard fitment on new car today [including the hatch]. The old metal backed blades are terrible for freezing up in this weather

    Here is a linky m8 aero blades

    Hope that helps, just dont buy to cheep a blade as you really do get what you pay for!

  3. Snow last night was huge flakes, fantastic. Kept buggering up my sky dish with the sheer volume of snow landing on the LNB, good job i bought the wife a new long warm coat in the sales lmao

    '' go clear that dish honey 'am in ma jammies'' ha ha

  4. LMAO Barry that is just the berries m8 lol had a good laugh ha ha ha, thanks m8 :D

    I had the transit ply lined before i bought it, i then put down a 1/8 thick rubber base myself not to mention the grit 'bucket' i made for inside the back doors of the transit & yes very well washed out m8

    Still lol @ the gritters :gay:

    *edit* I must admit the people on this side of the estate were/and are fantastic, i got stuck the other night trying to get half way up the road into my driveway. They all popped on their jackets, grabbed a shove & dug me out and then pushed me 40 yards up the hill. Even this morning people were still getting stuck in helping out. I hope your neighbours end up like the above gritter photos.

    There are a amazing amount of selfish arrogant ignorant drivers that are only interested in 'them' when the chips [ no pun] are down, stupid thoughtless mindless cnuthole the lot of them, my wee rant over :wub:

  5. OK maybe a bit more snow than i was hoping for :wub: left kirkmuirhill at 4:30 & didnt get back to Lanark until after 8 pm..... should be 15-20 mins max

    The road between Law village & Carluke tonight was a pure outright disgrace, it took nearly 2 hours just to travel from the old Law hospital and up to the BP station in Carluke WTF are the council all about?

    Can anyone post up a picture of a gritter as i can't remember what one looks like :gay:

    Anyway I am now finished work after 3 months and going at it 7 days a week so it can snow till Feb for all i care :P

    Phone has been retired to the kitchen drawer :D

  6. It's all horse poo, you think about the amount of gas passed over the Christmas period caused by brussels sprouts! All that methane must have a large effect on the ozone hole above the artic, i tell you it affected my hole this morning after eating that plate full last night :thumbup:

    When i was a kid at this time of year we were up to our horlicks in snow so keep up the global warming, it's saving a fortune in money as no gritters & snow ploughs are on the roads 24/7

    And i didnt even read this thread either ;)............whats it about lol

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