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Posts posted by StrikE

  1. I'm hoping this'll work, I'm my iPod.

    This is my Series Mcrae & IMHO how Ltd Editions should look ie Standard!!


    ;):):D totally with what you said LTD edition cars should no be raped like this, i couldn't give a rats erse if they own the car, distasteful.

    Car Rapist


  2. Mmmn :D teenager 30 year ago = 43+ ;) lol
    Cathy i was nearly a teenager you cheeky girl

    The clue was in the nearly part & you are still a cheeky monkey :P

    Walked over to the island for first time in years today too, kids had a ball








  3. All right the fun has gone now :( but on a different note they will be having curling out at Lanark Loch for the first time in 30 years....... now that brings back sweet memories of a kid running over the frozen Loch

  4. Hi,

    There is a thread over HERE on SN, bit disappointed that this forum doesn't have the same 'in depth' topics as such. I have been reading this from the start, good topic.

    Also on here, the yanks seem to have a stronger embrace regarding the hatch than folks over here! You will spend a few hours reading the topics in this forum http://www.iwsti.com/forums/

    Hope that helps


  5. That's just crap, why would some ned want to trash a car like that, i hope they get caught & just glad you didnt catch them as you would have been spending a few years in costa- bar-L if you had. Hope you get sorted quickly


    *edit* just seen the photos you posted up......not pretty :huh:

  6. It's cards inside the True grip mag which you put on other scoobs windscreens ,they are to invite the owners to join giving a brief description of the benefits :banana:


    ahhh thank you kenny ................. i must be getting old

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