1. petenofear and family, scooby 208bhp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,running if i get a box,,connfirmed
2. Zuk & Mrs ,golf gti 212bhp ,,,,,,,,,,,,connfirmed
3. Daywalker n Foxy 300bhp ,,,,,,,,,,,,connfirmed
4.biglarry scooby 260bhp aporx ,,,,,,,,,,connfirmed
5. blokewithoutscoob??
6. parker.scooby (depending work )
7. Vix forester ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,confirmed
8. JD scooby450 bhp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,running ,,,,,,,,,,,,confirmed
9 nick . mrk 1 astra 16v or mk 1 v6 175bhp i think ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,running,,,,,connfirmed
10.bacon boy Nissan 200sx 300bhp - dunno if running..
11. big rand scooby RA ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,connfirmed
12. ozzy , lotus not 100% depends on if he is not racing moto x ,,,,,,,,,,,,,running
13. SMJ and pimped IS200 (prov)
14. vxbandit
15. kev bmw m3 evo ( zuks twin brother )
16. jay scooby 282.2 bhp
17. Willsh 200sx
18. Sc00byD00 scooby not 100%
19. gav and sue
20. chris 5 swift gti turbo
21. Mark 911SC
can we have names down if u r running the drag
and connfirm whos going