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mrs P

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Everything posted by mrs P

  1. Cool, may not be on here later when Mr P gets home but if he is called out I will read all about it.
  2. We shouldn't complain really as we would have cried if it had rained on our wedding day!!!! i must wait in on Tuesday for the lorry full of flowers that i'm sure Mr P would have ordered for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. On tuesday next week, 8 years married!!! blimey! you married 4 weeks before me and ed and we are celebrating 8 years as well! Cool it must have been a good year to get married (although Mr P would probably disagree). Our wedding day was sooo hot that hardly anyone ate their dinner and was going outside for fresh air!!!
  4. On tuesday next week, 8 years married!!!
  5. If you are in a room with others it will be a right laugh as before I had the kids i was working in solicitors and my department was in one big room and it was such a giggle!!
  6. The only thing is, is that i have to remember to record it for him if he is out because i will be in the dog house if i forget and I can forget my treat for our anniversary!!!!!!!!
  7. Of course you have to be good, give it a couple of days for them to stop checking that you are settling in alright and then have a sneaky look on the forums!
  8. Brilliant i expect that it will be nice to start earning some money again!
  9. i am trying to get better but sometimes don't understand what is being talked about so I have to ask Mr P what is being talked about lol loll lol When do any of us women know what the men are chatting about????? Very true at least it is not just me then!!
  10. Cool that means that i can get online! Same here although Kev is on call tonight so may not be in so if he is a very good boy I may tape it for him
  11. It will be brilliant if it does because you will be getting paid to post on the forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Sounds interesting, did you get the part time or full time job?? both mate but only accepted the one i wanted! Well done which one did you go for then
  13. It doesn't matter if it does rain, its the people that you are with that matters, we are really looking forward to this one... Thats my theory - got loads to chat about It will be nice to sit down and have dinner with everyone and just have a chat
  14. i am trying to get better but sometimes don't understand what is being talked about so I have to ask Mr P what is being talked about lol loll lol
  15. Sounds interesting, did you get the part time or full time job??
  16. Will do, may suggest to Mr P that I drive after my attempts at taking pictures in the car on the way to Taunton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pray tell - I havent seen those - lots of tarmac piccies were they? lol they weren't that bad just a few with half of the car missing etc, my excuse is that the drivers moved the cars out of the picture frame lol lol
  17. Will do, may suggest to Mr P that I drive after my attempts at taking pictures in the car on the way to Taunton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. As long as our little sport can keep up with you!!!!!!! Should be able to get some nice pics of the cars then.
  19. Ah, I am sooooooooooooo stupid lol lol lol........................................you aint been on long so still learning eh? lol Now that is a good excuse for me to use!!!!
  20. It doesn't matter if it does rain, its the people that you are with that matters, we are really looking forward to this one...
  21. sorry I am having a blonde moment again!!!!!!!what does up for a wednesday mean????????????????
  22. i maybe a pest pmsl I hope it don't rain as monki will be worried about getting his jeans wet/dirty like he did at Taunton lol lol lol
  23. good idea - at least you won't loose it in a carpark lol lol lol
  24. Cool, I think a second laptop will be needed here as well soon.....
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