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mrs P

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Everything posted by mrs P

  1. Says who ?? I second that - I thought that we are all mad - I was normal until Kev signed me up to this and now it has got to the stage that we are fighting over whose turn it is on the laptop. As Kev keeps saying to me I have got the Scooby bug now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm with you Lorna, "do you want your own forum user name, he say, why not I reply"! it's been down hill from there. Maybe we all have some form of OCD. Oh tell me about it, it was their idea to sign us up and now we are getting grief for posting too much!!!! I will be kicked off here soon as his lordship will be home from work I only have 10 mins then I have to switch of and do some work. Be back tonight no doubt, sometime after 7pm when mini me is in bed. Okay will probably speak to you tonight if I can get a go on the laptop...
  2. No I have just put the kids in the garden so I have come back - how are you today Good thanks, tired though and hungry, I missed lunch yesterday chatting here and then not getting to bed late until after I had done all my motherly and wifely jobs around the house, having wrenched myself of the comp last night I have got Chloe and Callum here complaining that they are too hot - I cannot win, they are not happy when they are stuck indoors and when it is nice outside they are moaning that it is too hot!!1 kids honestly they are never happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. Ask Darren about meeting girlies on line, he's really skilled at it. He met a gem, a real keeper lol lol Just be careful as if you get them up the duff you tend to get stuck with them. pmsl Gosh, you're feeling brave today lol You are going to be in trouble Bailey when Sam gets home - I would go and hide if I were you lol lol lol
  4. Says who ?? I second that - I thought that we are all mad - I was normal until Kev signed me up to this and now it has got to the stage that we are fighting over whose turn it is on the laptop. As Kev keeps saying to me I have got the Scooby bug now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm with you Lorna, "do you want your own forum user name, he say, why not I reply"! it's been down hill from there. Maybe we all have some form of OCD. Oh tell me about it, it was their idea to sign us up and now we are getting grief for posting too much!!!! I will be kicked off here soon as his lordship will be home from work
  5. Ask Darren about meeting girlies on line, he's really skilled at it. He met a gem, a real keeper lol lol Tell us more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Says who ?? I second that - I thought that we are all mad - I was normal until Kev signed me up to this and now it has got to the stage that we are fighting over whose turn it is on the laptop. As Kev keeps saying to me I have got the Scooby bug now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. We would have helped if we were closer to you - hope it does alright and the weather stays fine for you. Cheers - now i have a camera i will do before and after pictures Cool it will be good to see what you have done
  8. No I have just put the kids in the garden so I have come back - how are you today
  9. And the catch would be, pat half towards getting it mended [] Nope - i can trust a women to drive it![] You can trust me, I only hit things that are put in silly places lol Bollards, Lamp posts, Parking spaces, trees, traffic lights. Pmsl [:] ashamed to say that fences and garden gates are often placed really badly too (thought I'd get that in before my darling husbands gets back from picking up Erin and posts it himself) lol lol you are not the only one to hit the garden gate - as I done this when we moved into our house and as Kev will say that I hit the gate but never stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Will speak to Kev about it when he gets home but depending on dates may be a possible. Will put our names up once he is home if we can make it.
  11. Ooops she just wanted to remind you of what if felt like on Sunday with us lot squelching around at Taunton - i think that I have just about scrapped all the mud off my feet lol lol I had to throw my shoes away because they were so wrecked My flip flops have dried out but they have gone like cardboard - must speak to Mr P about this as a new pair is called for lol lol lol
  12. Ooops she just wanted to remind you of what if felt like on Sunday with us lot squelching around at Taunton - i think that I have just about scrapped all the mud off my feet lol lol
  13. I thought that you were going to loose it but you controlled it well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. The only reason you would heal and toe is cause you drive an automatic. lol Mrs B have you got the Scooby bug and are going to buy one???????????????
  15. Welcome to the mad house - if you are not mad already you soon will be with us lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my hubby (Parker) are from Exeter - be nice to meet up with you. Speak and see you soon.
  16. We are keeping them under control for the time being - although won't be on here for too much longer as I am getting kicked off soon - We want Kev, We want Kev, We want Kev.......lol You have got your wish Bailey as Kev is home now and will now be kicking me off the laptop lo lol lol speak to you all later if I can snatch the laptop off him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Cool at least Chloe and Callum will have someone to play with again as they all to get on well - no doubt my two will be making me skint by wanting to put all my money in the amusement arcarde!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I guess that this must be a man thing - god help it if anyone damages their pride and joy lol lol
  19. Welcome to the mad house!!!!! looking forward to meeting you and your family at dawlish
  20. We are keeping them under control for the time being - although won't be on here for too much longer as I am getting kicked off soon -
  21. We would have helped if we were closer to you - hope it does alright and the weather stays fine for you.
  22. Oh you boys not getting scared of us are you?????????????????
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