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mrs P

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Everything posted by mrs P

  1. Tell him that we are thinking of him, and i hope that he will be okay for Sunday, as Kev said he is more than welcome to rest in our car if you do get a lift although we do charge for single occupancy of a room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Evening SP, it is a bonus that you have access to internet at least you will be getting paid to post on the forums, i hope Ed is okay today...
  3. Sorry to hear such sad news, our thoughts are with you and his family at such a sad time, take care
  4. I hope your first day at work today went okay SP, see you Sunday
  5. Thanks for that babes, if only I knew how to put a picture up of you. Remember I WILL learn and then revenge will be sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. mrs P


    Ermm if my driving is anything to go buy i think ill be equally as dangeroues on a go-kart lol. wont be much to pick up if you have an accident lol Pmsl rotfpmsl callum and chloe will have there buckets and spades ready...lol Hey stop using your children as an excuse to go on the kiddies rides, just admit that you love going on them yourself!!!!
  7. Same here the last time we went abroad was about 6/7 years ago
  8. Good luck for today Ed, see you on Sunday
  9. Our car is going to be lonely in a convoy up there on its own lol lol lol
  10. Would do but don't know how to put one up (well that is my excuse anyway) lol lol
  11. Yeh I am not going to get in to trouble with Mr P as I have remembered to recorde it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pmsl. there would have been hell to pay in the Dymond household if I had forgotton!!!
  12. Yeh I am not going to get in to trouble with Mr P as I have remembered to recorde it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Is that your excuse Mr P, I'm surpised that you don't make me and the kids sit on a sheet or something when we get in the car so we don't get it dirty lol lol You can buy SIDC seat covers in the groupbuy section [Y] [] Evening Monki - how are you today???? Very good thank you!, been busy today? Not really weather hasn't been that good so have not been able to do too much, kids are making me go grey as they are bored indoors, please bring some sunshine to us!!!!! Paint a picture of the sun hang it on the washing line and then kick the kids out doors [] May have to result to this if it carries on like this!!!!!!!!!
  14. he will, he always does especially at the stupid comments I put on here lol lol
  15. Not chicken just don't want to see his face when he reads it lol lol
  16. Is that your excuse Mr P, I'm surpised that you don't make me and the kids sit on a sheet or something when we get in the car so we don't get it dirty lol lol You can buy SIDC seat covers in the groupbuy section [Y] [] Evening Monki - how are you today???? Very good thank you!, been busy today? Not really weather hasn't been that good so have not been able to do too much, kids are making me go grey as they are bored indoors, please bring some sunshine to us!!!!!
  17. Is that your excuse Mr P, I'm surpised that you don't make me and the kids sit on a sheet or something when we get in the car so we don't get it dirty lol lol You can buy SIDC seat covers in the groupbuy section [Y] [] Evening Monki - how are you today????
  18. Perhaps I should not have put that up as he will be thinking all sorts now!!!!!!!
  19. He is but at least Sam is trying!!!
  20. He is going to kill me when he reads all of this later!! perhaps I disapear to bed before he gets home!!!!
  21. that comes with me at all times, you should know that us women cater for all occassions and that we bring the kitchen sink with us as well!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. At least we won't have to lie about where they are to people, we can tell the truth that the kids smashed them or perhaps we should use that excuse now lol lol
  23. Oh my word, I have just seen the forecast for the weekend, rain, rain and even more rain but we won't let this put a dampner on Sunday we will just be out singing and dancing in the rain lol lol it will miss us - you watch Hope so, I will be bringing me wellies with me just in case!!!!!
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