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mrs P

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Everything posted by mrs P

  1. pmsl, we will try and toughen him up before Dawlish so he doesn't screech like a girl lol lol lol who??????????.....................Kev?????????? lol And that is just Kev going too fast on the go-karts lol lol lol
  2. Stop it else I am going to have to go across the shop and buys some cold beers lol lol
  3. pmsl, we will try and toughen him up before Dawlish so he doesn't screech like a girl lol lol lol
  4. I know at least when we are at dawlish meet we will be outside so he won't seem so loud - at least he will keep the seagulls away from us with his screeches!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I know we are naughty as we have got to cut down on what we drink and smoke but I can't resist having a beer on a day like this lol lol lol
  6. pmsl - these captions are getting better each time someone puts one up - I will probably break a rib later as i can't laugh any more lol lol lol
  7. Didn't notice him there before!!! he looks like he is really enjoying the show and was probably looking forward to the second round of cars racing lol lol lol
  8. I know what you mean, we don't always have one in the evening but last night we got home and had a few beers. you know what happens when you have a few beers you have a couple of ciggies to go with it!!!!! oh yeah - could do with a few beers myself........................and no gotta resist ciggies / cigars lol I know on a nice sunny day like today there is nothing better than sitting in the garden with a cold beer and having a ciggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  9. Cool, looking forward to meeting her if she can make Dawlish!!
  10. SP you have got e-mail and PM from me, sorry if there are loads of them as I didn't think that it was working!!!! Let me know if you have got nothing and I will do again!!
  11. I know what you mean, we don't always have one in the evening but last night we got home and had a few beers. you know what happens when you have a few beers you have a couple of ciggies to go with it!!!!!
  12. I know what you mean SP, I am really looking forward to it after yesterday, fingers crossed that we have the weather that we had yesterday also!!!!!!!!!!! was just about right you are right, it wasn't too hot it was just right for walking around in etc!!!
  13. I agree Ed, I would like to thank you and everyone else there for making Chloe and Callum feel so welcome again. Its a family club ( SIDC ) So if kids out numbered adults we would still have a laugh........................anyway still waiting for my hearing to come back lol lol lol lol Callum does get over excited at the smallest of things, bring some ear defenders to Dawlish with you or do what me and Kev do put cotton wool in our ears then we can't hear him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. you will have to bring her to the Dawlish meet next month so she can meet us mad lot, what is her name?????
  15. I know, we don't really like to smoke infront of the kids so it doesn't really bother us if we have one all day or not, although saying that the first thing we did when we got home was go outside for one!!!!!
  16. Welcome to the mad house!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. cheers SP, at least this is a bit better than the previous one that was posted up!!!!!!!!!!
  18. thats not nice rae! rotfpmsl - I hope ben doesn't take all this to heart else he won't come to anymore meets lol lol lol lol!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I know what you mean SP, I am really looking forward to it after yesterday, fingers crossed that we have the weather that we had yesterday also!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Well done Ed you are doing extremely well, keep up the hard work
  21. I agree Ed, I would like to thank you and everyone else there for making Chloe and Callum feel so welcome again.
  22. Evening SP, it is a bonus that you have access to internet at least you will be getting paid to post on the forums, i hope Ed is okay today... I dont want ot push it to far and i use the internet for direction for the drivers who dont have sat nav - ed has done well today and has even made his tea after i was a sleep as soon i got home - i was shattered I bet you were shattered today, what with Ed having treatment it does take its toll out on you, people sometimes forget about the person who is supporting someone having treatment, the kids send you and Ed a big hug[] your quite right there and i have to say that some times even ed forgot how much i did! thanks for the hugs guys! I will be off in a minute cause i have asked my stepson to go and get me my kebab! Same here I am going now to get another beer and then the takeaway will be delivered, see you and Ed on Sunday if all is well take care xxxx
  23. Nice car, I bet you have gone through a tank full of petrol already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  24. Evening SP, it is a bonus that you have access to internet at least you will be getting paid to post on the forums, i hope Ed is okay today... I dont want ot push it to far and i use the internet for direction for the drivers who dont have sat nav - ed has done well today and has even made his tea after i was a sleep as soon i got home - i was shattered I bet you were shattered today, what with Ed having treatment it does take its toll out on you, people sometimes forget about the person who is supporting someone having treatment, the kids send you and Ed a big hug[]
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