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About ur.a.bus

  1. but the hoses are
  2. congratulations wow 15mins to spare lol bet you were also touching cloth
  3. RA up in perth paint wheels i think
  4. never knew you got white uk sti's, can't be many of them *edit* sorry for off topic
  5. ah is that your white blobeye on ebay? looks really nice
  6. best i have had is 23mpg, gonna have to see what i can get now
  7. same here, sold the classic last summer. recaro fits nice in the isofix points too, that was my main point for why i needed 1 steve
  8. yeh good bunch up there, i'm through on tuesday for a service and a chat about remap seeing as i have been collecting parts for last wee while
  9. i'm getting toyo t1 sports fitted tomorrow, will let you know how i find them
  10. yeh, sure makes a huge improvement. i put everthing on together and what a difference, love how sharp the steering feels not been very far in it yet due to either working or raining but looking forward to getting the geo done and getting out on a run in the better weather. currently tyres are just on the legal limit and geo's well off so lots of tiptoeing around round-a-bouts in the wet
  11. last month i fitted 22mm front, 24mm rear whiteline arb's, cdf racing droplinks and anti lift kit and BC coilovers. at the end of the month fitting 4 Vredestein sessanta tyres then getting the geo looked at.
  12. i was going to try the T1R's but have read alot of posts on SN saying they have a soft side wall, going to try the Vredestein SESSANTA as these get good reviews wet and dry and are simmilar price to the toyo's
  13. going by bumper washer jets its a uk model, also has pre facelift front bumper
  14. Don't think he'll be the stig for much longer now though
  15. yes when i went to see the car i thought they'd just need a bit of oil, was searching Strictly Technical last night just going through the pages and came across a post about how it fix it (can't find it today). Basically the belt is rubbing off the trim inside when you pull the belt out, take the trim off, has 1 popper at the rear and just pulls off. inside the trim you will see where the belt is rubbing, there are 3 strengthening tabs which run across the trim, i cut the top 2 down flush and put it all back together, no squeaks easy jobs takes about 15min per side
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