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Everything posted by glen_cadwallader

  1. Ive never heard of points for tints myself, but in Elgin it wouldnt surprise me, Ive been stopped by some serious knob jockeys in the last 5 years here, and have 10 points for speeding thank you officers. One night they pulled me for cutting a round about in my Warrior at 4am, they followed me down a single track lane, then I stopped and jumped out just for a laugh, pmsl, they just about s**t themselves, Im a 21 stone bodybuilder !!! Abbot, yeh chris is a top bloke, cannot fault him, he has fitted more pirelli's for me than I care to remember LOL
  2. That is a fckin joke mate, the cops in Elgin are complete tossbags. Removal notice yes but points ? That is outrageous. I personnally would be tearing them apart in court, but that does cost money. Regards Tyres, Go in to see Chris (manager) in Kwik Fit, tell him your a mate of Big Glen's, and ask what his best price is [] You'll be surprised.
  3. Thanks for the info bud.
  4. Remeber guys there are only 16 genuine UK 22b's The rest are Imports. I know, I tried to buy one earlier this year, you will pay mega money for a UK car if you can get one, which I couldnt. With only 16 of them sold in UK by dealers, its nigh on impossible, owners of those are laughing all the way to the bank. Imports are much cheaper 15-18k.
  5. No Mate, Mines Got a Private Plate beginning WR. I definitley saw you earlier though, I gave you a quick wave, just after the shell garage in elgin. This is the first ive heard of tesco in Inverness doing 99 ron, I will certainly pop in a check for myself
  6. Absolutley not mate, you want at the very least to be running it on optimax 98ron. Ideally you want to add 1 bottle of millers octane boost to every tank. If your really stuck you can use normal unleaded and stick two bottles of millers in the tank.
  7. Yes mate, the brakes used on performance cars, scoobys, evo's M3's etc, rust overnite if rain gets into them, and it can take a while to buff that off when you get going in the mornings. You wanna try my evo with Rally discs and pads, jesus they can squeal.
  8. Good to hear Tesco have the 99 ron now, I may give it a try,.
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