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Everything posted by lestippp

  1. I am in the area and will attend this event. Its all very tragic. I grew up just along the road from Lanark and although I didn't know Colin I always watched his racing exploits and he will be sadly missed. My condolences go to the Mcrae family and also to the families of the others killed in the accident. Sorry folks I don't know how to add my name to the list.
  2. I would definately go for it, I had a Caymen S for a day (a gift) and this car is sublime! It certainly isn't slow, the stats say it is every bit as quick as my 05 STi PPP to 100 and keeps going all the way to 170 (where allowed to). The engine note is amazing, sitting just behind your ears, and the cars handling ability defies belief. The cabin is a great place to sit in and the build quality is second to none. One warning though....... you may remortgage the house to buy one afterwards (I'm still thinking about it!) []
  3. Read an comment on this in Autocar last nite and they say you will hardly notice any difference over 97 or 98! So don't bother! I am now using BP Ultimate after religiously using Vpower and have noticed no difference other than slight improvement in mpg. It is a type UK though so probably of no use to owners of imports.
  4. Very harsh punishment, was this only for the tints? Never heard of anyone getting this treatment before. I know a couple of people who have been told to get them off pronto. I did know about this law though, that's why you see a lot of cars with only the back tinted, basically a clear window only lets a little more than the 70% of light required, hence all but the very slightest tints are illegal. If a window tinter agrees to do it they can also be held partially responsible and any good fitter will tell you it is illegal. When I had my second CTR they would not tint the front windows even with the lightest tints they had. Don't tint the front windows unless you want to be fined or worse, you are simply inviting yourself to be stopped. I think the law changed after a very bad accident, where the car's tints were so dark that it was believed to have impaired the drivers vision and contributed to the accident, people were killed!
  5. V-power is 98ron and Ultimate is 97ron, your bang on Chris, can't help with the rest as I have no experience of this but go with the comment to have it properly checked out. Can the people / person you bought it from not help you? Just as an add on, after posting about Vpower vs Ultimate I have now switched to using BP Ultimate all the time and the car has no issues at all. Can't tell any difference other than seems to be doing slightly better milage. Well happy as was using a gallon of vpower just to go to the garage and back (no garage local for Kintore).
  6. I've got the barracuda jobs with my sti (05 model), they go on roof bars and are easy to fit and remove. All you see when not on the car is the 4 little lugs needed to attach the roof bars to (easier to leave these on). Subaru branded as well so look good when on the vehicle and easy to remove when not off biking.
  7. Guys thanks for your input, its good to hear that there are no true issues with this fuel. As I said before the car ran well on the BP Ultimate so I may continue to use it given your comments. Very interesting that you (Den) run your's on standard unleaded with no issues at all. I haven't heard of anyone doing this before with a Sti but good to know that the stealers say it will cause no ill effects to the engine. No more 16 mile round trip to Shell then!! Nice!! Sorry for not responding sooner, was off line for a while. Les.
  8. I know this has been done to death so I am just looking for your input. This morning I had to put some BP Ultimate in my car (05 sti ppp). Only put £8 in as will fill up on VPower tonight or tomorrow. Thing is I did not notice any marked difference in the cars sound, performance or general responses! Admittedly the car was warmed up by the time I put the fuel in and there was still 10 or more lts of vpower in there. What is the deal with this? I have to travel 16 miles around to fill up on vpower, so I use a gallon just going to fill up, running late this morning hence the BP stop which is en-route. Just looking for opinions and experiences please? Is anyone regularly running their sti ppp on Ultimate or something else? Cheers.
  9. Hear what you're saying chaps but with the Sti the tracker is fitted during building and they are supposed to be difficult to remove quickly as several places they can be fitted. By which time the tracker will have activated and your phone will ring to ask if you are pushing the car without the keys in it! Cops should be on it in no time. Remember also that most thieves are joy riders who just want to thrash your car and leg it so the tracker would work for you. I also have a disclok for the car but don't use it unless parking in a place I am unsure of. I also considered leaving the car with only 1 gallon of fuel in it, any time I was in a location I was unsure about, that way I know they will only get about 14 miles!! In reality if they want the car and they are "car thieves", they will take it.
  10. That will be right enough guys, as only cars registered after March 23rd (ish) 2006 will be subjected to the new "evil" road tax! I was concerned when I bought my car in March this year that it would be hit but it is also exempt (as reg'd in June 05), even though its emissions are technically in the highest band. Think old Gordon was working on the theory that "global warming" was a very big issue by this time. Personally I think the whole thing is a conspiracy to fleece car fanatics out of yet more money! What will they do if everyone starts driving 1000cc sh*t mobiles.... it will cost them a fortune in lost tax income!! They will them find something to tax on these crappy cars to make up 4 it. And another thing, if we are indeed warming up the world, how come it was only the mildest winter since 1916, not since records began!!! What was causing "global warming" then eh... HORSE MANURE!!! And another thing, won't we all use our central heating much less if it is warmer hence all those huge power plants, etc will greatly reduce there astronomical emmisions!! And another, if we all started using electric cars where do they suppose we will get the electricity from.... a windmill on their roof!!! Sorry, got carried away, I'm just sick of all the tax that is being levelled at cars and car owners. We are just car enthusiasts who could be getting up to much worse, like sitting at home all day claiming benefit with the heating on full! Anyway I will easily get 19mpg if I drive sensibly, I'm sure my car uses fuel when it is parked!!
  11. Wait for the cat to get comfortable, have some pre prepared iced water in a bucket (ice just melted to avoid the risk of damage to the car), move in from the blind side and soak the cat with said water!! The cat will be unharmed and unlikely to return and you will have a good laugh as it exits at mach 3 down the street!!! One other point though...... put an old towel or something on the bonnet to avoid more scratches when the cat scrabbles to exit cold water! Even better would be to soak the cat as it approaches avoiding any risk at all. This will work as they hate water of any kind, let alone the icy variety. One more idea......... sit in the car, engine already warmed through......... wait for said target to sit on bonnet......... fire up the boxer and hit the accelerator.............. fluffy will be sucked into the scoop.......... drive slowly round the corner and remove startled and slightly deformed cat......... use gloves though as it might be annoyed, like a wasp!!
  12. I test drove one of these a few weeks ago and the engine note was none descript but then I tested the Sti and the burble is definately there on it. Ultimately I bought a 2L Sti PPP and it sounds just about perfect IMHO!!
  13. Only a silly question if you know how to do it! Type in photobucket on google or like, then go into the site and register, its free! Start your album by clicking on browse and then select the pictures you want then hit upload. Once in your album you can resize them to fit on the post better. Then on the sidc site hit the little tree symbol and copy over the url's of the photos you want. The url's are displayed at the bottom of each picture. That should do it, good luck. There's probably an easier way but this is how I was told to do when I had to ask the silly question!!
  14. Dont know how to add my car to list but it is MY05 Sti PPP
  15. Welcome mate, just joined also and from Kintore myself. Look out for black MY05 STi PPP. It has 555 on the number plate.
  16. My 2005 Sti has them fitted. They cost the original owner almost £400 fitted from a subaru dealer! Picture on my "new member" post of 22.03.07 ish to give you an idea how they look (black on black tho). I must say they are very good and look the biz, very well fitted and quality material. I read somewhere on a forum that a member had bought their own material / fittings and done them that way, very cheaply, they seemed happy with results. Cheers
  17. I think they would look quite good actually. All down to your personal taste I guess. Even with no de-cals an Sti is never going to be a Q car, is it.
  18. I see you are the shy retiring type!!! Car looks excellent tho. The PFF7 alloys are awesome but I must say I like the black ones better on the white. Your going to need a really big hairdrier if you decide to change the decals!
  19. I guessing that you have mega stickers on the side of your car... am I right? Any pictures?
  20. I like the idea of just having the Sti badge on the grill. Nothing else required as anyone "in the know" will recognise the car for what it is. I've never really liked the "overt branding" on the front of the STi. Have you changed yours?
  21. Thanks guys, I think I might still go with Phils suggestion but failing that I will try to book Prince Eddy............ just in case!
  22. Thanks again everyone, I appreciate your welcomes and comments. I am in Kintore so you'll know who it is if you see the car. All the best folks.
  23. Another vote for black I see!! [Y] I just supervise the cleaning (I wish!) [:$] Again thanks everybody for your welcoming remarks & comments on the car.
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