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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Great seeing you all again, And the othere who had to leave early! Great day had by Mr Mullins.
  2. quality pics PArker!!!
  3. Top job ay! Very good day today i really enjoyed it!
  4. Ed Ill meet up with you guys for rallyday, convoy down then bump you off so i can get set up on the p1woc stand
  5. See what i did there? "Btt" I will be taking it steady guys today as i havent had naff all sleep during my night shift. And ill only get another 45mins or so when i get home. But it be nice to catch up with you all again.!!! Monki.
  6. £300 for Autoglym? I would use there products as a half way mark when cleanign the car. Then use Meguars wax to give the paint protection and deep shine. Monki.
  7. So have i pmsl. I love the new feature! Its really good way to show off your motor!
  8. I got a HKS ssqv, and god im impressed, no runing problems at all. Its so variable on vta noise with std purple insert. Nice psshht just aver 3k, mid way is more of a whooosh sound and a high pitch squeeelll/chokeing squerrel at high end revs. I love it!!!!!! Monki.
  9. And here's my pics
  10. A Corset might help pmsl.
  11. Wipe to mine pmsl. 380 sound hmmmmmmm to me. Must have had a good bit of work to adchive thos figures Rand! Hows the new car btw! And how was your holiday? Monki.
  12. No problem Jaq's allways good to help!
  13. I would be interested in a curry dinner for a meet but dont blame me if i start farting pmsl.
  14. Rallyday is my next event , And i like my Corsa teddys Rae. I think they look better in a scooby my self . Also who was it who was selling the blue fabric cloths for a fiver? If hes got any spare i could do with a couple too as my only ones wearing out due to drying pmsl. Look forward to seeing you again Craigy, I seen your mate at the last Swindon meet. Oh ill be on the P1woc stand not SIDC. Monki.
  15. I havent got no bright clothes cragy (Thanks for the tip) and i quickly took the pics tonight for the forum, I think ill take better ones tomorrow, but i cleaned the car on the drive earlyer, and when i came into work i took the pics as it was getting dark. Hence it not being bright pmsl. Monki.
  16. Let me know when your cars back in your hands SP, as i got two graids of metal cleaner on a buffer. I can spin my car up to yours, with a 20m extention lead, a drill and the drill end with the circular buffer, to get your metal pipework,a/c/ alt, and other bits in bobs looking A+. Hopefully il have a few pics of me in trug grip then too hahaha
  17. Hi all thought i would share the pics i took bout 45mins ago of me cleaning my beloved! And no its not pics of me srubbing Joanna's back lol. (Sorry guys) pmsl.
  18. Lol gets too much for me, i cba to button bash the keyboard, the laptop keys all allready going shiny with a years use. And most of that is typing on SIDC lol.
  19. Does this mean i get my own thread too pmsl.
  20. Quality pics there Scooby Princess.
  21. I think hes Evil! Look at his hand clasp he want to crawl to you then lundge and strangle you or gouge your eyes out pmsl. On a serious note, does he look anything liek u Compo?
  22. Well done Ed!. Have you felt any better since stopping?
  23. monkip1


    I can Nah nah nahhh nahh nahhhh nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh If you can find me a new job i will tell you how to do it. Fair deal pmsl.
  24. monkip1


    By modifying your car Ed pmsl.
  25. monkip1


    either use photobucket for the direct link e.g "http://" or upload it direct from your computer. I think one of the uploads has a automatic image rescailer Getting techniqual for you now Kev
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