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Everything posted by jae

  1. Hey there, got a wee question, if you don't mind. [] My 99 Turbo has a HKS induction filter that was on it when I bought it, do I need to oil it or do any maintanence with it at all ?? all help greatly appreciated
  2. marky, someone else's opinion is always welcome, and having no previous experience with scoobs then I have to rely on others so thanks for your 2 pennies worth [] your right thought the o/e parts have gone to the great scrappies in the sky so I would have to have a look there, and get a panel filter. symptoms are a very low idle around 500rpm and irritating hesitation at 2-2.5k rpms
  3. marky, HKS induction kt fitted but other than that standard green saloon turbo, certainly does'nt look like there has been any other mods, pulls nice loads of grip though feels maybe a little light in the back compared to my last motor...
  4. thanks to all for the welcome, hopefully shall meet a few of you out and about []
  5. well, got a little hesitation at 2,500rpm that I need to sort out, not sure whether it's, lambda sensor or maff sensor or just needing sparkers (which I have sitting ready to go in) but other than that [] shall get some photo's when she gets a polish []
  6. hey there guys and galls, just recently gotten my first scoob, 99T classic in green and enjoying 99% of my life with it, so so far so good. so just touchin base with the forum, maybe looking for a little history on my motor. I bought it in Saline back in august but I don't think it was a local car, it had a private number on it previously, don't know it. but I believe it was traded with another motor at an audi dealership.... has a HKS filter on it and an aftermarket back box, but thats about it, oh and low mileage. Just would like to say that I am happy with the car not looking for come back or anything just nosing
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