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Everything posted by jamesm

  1. I have had my 2002 WRX for about two months now which is used as my only car, so it gets used to commute in and to travel about locally for work. This works out at about 8000 to 9000 miles per year, with my non work mileage working out at another 7 or 8000 on top of that. The commute is a mix of a potholed B road, quick blast along the motorway and then stop start into town. Despite working out what I thought the mpg would be before buying it, it seems to be going through petrol at quite a rate and I am slightly worried at the ever increasing fuel bill.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Now, I never bought this for the fuel consumption but given the amount it uses I was thinking about alternatives. Also, whilst the knackered B road didn't bother me in the old car, I am now less than impressed with the Scoob having to rattle over it twice a day. I have tried a couple of weeks commuting on the train but it takes twice as long and it isn't direct. So I was thinking about getting a cheap runaround and only use the Scoob evenings and weekends, which is what the previous owner did. I am sure there will be a number of you who run cheap second cars and my question basically is - is it worth it over a period of say a couple of years? By the time you take in to account buying something, insurance, tax, servicing etc would I see any difference other than keeping the miles off the Scoob and not running the risk of leaving the suspension in a Renfrewshire crater? Budget would be an absolute maximum of £1k. Have seen a decent 96 Polo and 98 Colt in a quick search for that sort of money. Daewoo's, Hyundai's and similar seem to come in at about £600. But would something like that just be a never ending run of expense as things break and fall off?
  2. Where abouts do you stay mate? I am 27 and with Tesco by default as I had my previous car with them and changed three quarters way though the policy. I have a 2002 WRX with tracker and cat 1 alarm, 5 years no claims and have legal protection and hire car. The renewal is next month and they want not far off £900 with £450 excess [:@] <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> The best I can find anywhere is £700+ depending on excesses etc.
  3. Really sorry to hear that. Scum of the earth in my opinion. Only a couple of miles from Paisley myself, sounds like we all need to be on our guard!
  4. Not impressed with Tracker. Mine was fitted over five weeks ago just before I picked it up, and have never once heard anything from them. I have tried phoning them a few times, and got through twice. I takes my entire lunch hour to get through to their admin section. Each time I have been told that it is active, I am covered by it and I will have everything sent out in the next few days. Nothing has yet arrived. They have yet to ask me to pay them anything towards a subscription. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Unfortunately to get decent insurance quote it was a requirement that it was fitted with one. Must live in a dodgy area or something. [:@] !!
  5. Welcome, not far along the road from Paisley myself and another new owner. Had mine 3 weeks now and still smiling! [] Enjoy.
  6. Welcome. Really nice looking car you got there. I work in Greenock and out and about in Inverclyde all the time (Black Bugeye with gold alloys). Will keep a look out for you.
  7. Had a really good night, despite my very near miss with the Ka on the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />KingstonBridge! That will teach me for not paying attention. Good to meet you all and will definitely be back along in the future. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> GaryD definitely has a sliver newage.
  8. Yes Gary, I am a Planner with Inverclyde Council in Greenock. Work upstairs from Lesley. Nice looking car you and Lesely have.
  9. Hi all. My name is James and I live in Houston in Renfrewshire. After a few months of looking I have just bought a black MY02 WRX. It is pretty much standard with the exception of the STI alloys and a TSL GpN back box. Completely blew the budget in buying it so nothing other than some clear side repeaters planned for the time being!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Had the car for two weeks now and am absolutely loving it. It makes you see the morning commute in a whole new light!! Hope to make it along to a few of the Glasgow meets so will no doubt meet a few of you in due course. Finally, a big thank you to Gav at Ian Grieve for finding me such a mint car!! No idea on how to attach pictures but hopefully there are a couple of links below of it after a first wash and polish. http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q67/jwmccoll/DSCF0068.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q67/jwmccoll/DSCF0067.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q67/jwmccoll/DSCF0066.jpg
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