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big jay

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Everything posted by big jay

  1. Come on poeple show's are coming up and you be needing some of these!!!!!!!! pm me if you want some. Jay
  2. eeerrr nah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think so she can't be trusted!!!! She took her out the other day and had to ask if the "120 in big numbers at the top were kph" I said no they're mph..........she slowed down quite rapidly!!!!!!!
  3. There are 17" speedlines and i know that 205/215's will fit lovely on these.I'll pm you a price.
  4. Yeah she can but she's lazy
  5. Thanks everyone. Yes we are a 2 scoob at the mo but we will be selling the other one. It's an auto so the wife can drive it! ........................be afraid.......be VERY afraid!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. If that's your car in your avatar these would look nice.
  7. Are we still going to this as a club?
  8. Just a couple of pics of the new one. We lurve her
  9. Stew, these are the wheels i have for sale. P.s there is 4
  10. Hi everyone i've got 4 set's of Kent Scoobie show plates for sale they are £20 a set. So pm me if you want some. Jay
  11. Will take some 2mo and post them up 4 you mate
  12. Hi Stew if you need a new set of wheels i've a set for sale.
  13. their the dogs doodahs!!!! Sorry to hear bout that mate and it was good to meet you and little Jay
  14. what bout meet me at the royal oak in cooling road as i live in wainscott.
  15. Ian i'll give you the money at the meet friday.
  16. Happy birthday hope its a good one
  17. Well you should of shouted out "OI BIG JAY"
  18. Hi and welcome to you both . Look forward to meeting you at the meets/shows. P.s i have a claire that does that for me aswell
  19. cheers mate them trolleys are bad boys very difficult to handle lol. Sorry i did'nt see you mate.
  20. 1. Granby 2. Yogi 3. 8rad 4. Big Jay 5. Dan n Dan 6. Shep, m@tt 7. Pele 8. Shiralee (in some shape or form) 9. Scuzz and Herman 10. Scoots 11. 12.
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