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big jay

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Everything posted by big jay

  1. I'll have to have a chat with the guv'nor then i'll let you know.
  2. Hi ya have you still got the splitter if so whats the lowest price you will take for it?
  3. I was thinking meet at the Esso services on the A2 about 7.30 leaving at 7.35.
  4. For the next meet at the Wharf on friday 20th feb .
  5. And Vin is a up hill gardener aswell!!!!!!!!
  6. I Know where the Wharf is ,so if you want we can meet up and convoy to the Wharf.
  7. I'm gutted for you hope you get her up and running soon
  8. I think show cars in and car clubs and lairy shorts outside Shall i start a list for this. 1. Big Jay 2. col_2 3. Scoots, Mrs Scoots & Mini Scoots 4. T123VOR 5. Shiralee Shortlist 1.T123VOR 2.Scoots 3.Big Jay
  9. Saw one of these the other day - not seen one before. Not sure i really like it. Just wondered what others thoughts are?
  10. Silver wagon in Marlborough Road, Gillingham bout half 2. Got a wave
  11. So what you saying................i'm fat!!!! Wifey said she'll buy 4 me
  12. Is there going to be an entry fee for the club, if so is there a deposit to pay and when has it got to be payed by?
  13. Spotted Brian d today bout 1.30pm on my drive
  14. What a great night,it was good to see every one and what a turn out! Just want to say Steve i want your scoob coz its awesome!!!!!!!!!! What a i did'nt stop all the way home. Cheers mate
  15. Spotted a red classic parked in marlborough road gillingham near the pub at the end today bout 5pm.
  16. Hi all i've ordered the fleeces for the following peeps: eureka,suzy,Chloe Monster and scoobyshep. Jay
  17. If you go you mite even get a game
  18. Show 1. Granby 2. col_2 3. eureka 4. Stiggy 5. T123VOR 6. Shiralee 7. Shep 8. deani_age 9. Skullfudge 10. Subarman 11. Big Jay 12. Scooby Hoo? & Jazz Jill (to confirm) 13. Dunks 14. S8syf Track Time 1. Granby 2. col_2 3. eureka 4. T123VOR 5. Shiralee 6. deani_age 7. Skullfudge 8. Scooby Hoo? (to confirm) & Jazz Jill as passenger? 9. Dunks 10.
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