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big jay

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Everything posted by big jay

  1. Ok mate will meet you there bout 7.30. Myself and Scoots will be waiting not sure bout any one else as yet.
  2. 1. Granby 2. Yogi 3. 8rad 4. Big Jay 5. Dan n Dan 6. Shep 7. Pele 8. Shiralee (in some shape or form) 9. Scuzz and Herman 10. Any one wont to meet up on the way to the wharf? Is there going to be a tunnel run afterwards ?
  3. I think it's a 1.8 GL ford sierra
  4. I'm home and so are the kids bl**dy snow!!!
  5. I can't believe your getting rid of the scoob See ya around mate keep in touch
  6. 1. Granby 2. Yogi 3. 8rad 4. Big Jay 5. 6. Was it decided if we are we tunnel running afterwards ?
  7. Well you was'nt hanging around or was that me
  8. Speak to jolly green mate he's the man in the know.
  9. Cheers mate My mummy always said it was okay to be different
  10. I thought so cheers mate You don't see to many scoob's with it on
  11. You said your wife would say something
  12. Got some new graphics, thought i'd go rally style but then.................................... Thanks Brian D for givin me a hand.
  13. Hi Tim i had the same prob with mine and i went to a place called Eurospray and Body Repairs in chatham. Their work is very good and i'll be going back to them again soon coz the other side is starting to go now They are quite reasonable and friendly so give a call on 01634 813141 or mob 07969 365467. Jay
  14. I've pick up the fleeces today for the following people: eureka,s8syf,Chloe Monster and scoobyshep. I have sent you all a pm. Jay
  15. Wish i could make mine pop like this one. Mad pick-up(bear with it even if it's just for the blonde aussie bird at the end!!!!!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enMDCVKVjUc
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