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big jay

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Everything posted by big jay

  1. Hi mate i'll bring the catalogue with today but yes that will be the colours and design and your name will be on the front same as the shirts
  2. Just a couple of pic's of Garth W's new wheels.
  3. Hi Jason have you still got it mate? Jay
  4. Well done Daz what sort of price did you get for them? I'll pay you on sunday for mine mate.
  5. List of those that are meeting at Notcutts at 10 am. 1.dazzler 2.dunks 3.scoobytibs 4.swifty1981 5.me 6.Big Jay 7.Scoots 8.Garth W
  6. Okay mate see if you could do a deal with him to get it cheaper but charge the same. Every little bit help's 1. stiggy 2. Yogi 3. Shiralee 4. Rodregos 5. Mikkers 6. Dunks 7. Granby 8. Garth W 9. scoobytibs 10.Big Jay 11.Scoots
  7. Hi Daz in the price for the plates is there money going towards the club funds? Only Scoots was going to get front ones made cheaper with a percentage going towards club funds.
  8. Happy birthday hope you had a good day
  9. Happy birthday to you both
  10. 20, once you've sorted window stickers you can get a shirt!!! TWS sounds good.
  11. 1. Shiralee 2. XBX, Andy 3. Dunks 4. Garth W 5. dazzler 6. Granby 7. Scuzz 8. Baser999 9. ProdriveTony 10. Still Grinning 11. HOL 12. Swifty1981 13. Big Jay Be a good opportunity to get a load of us together for the club foto for new flyers.
  12. Afternoon everyone the following people, i've picked up your shirt's today. Wedmonds Garth W Pele Loony Toon Can you please pm me to arrange pick up. Cheers. Jay.
  13. I can recognise most of the cars in the vid....................I know who's who....................your all gonna have to pay me if you want me to keep quiet!!!!!!! 20, pics are fine - cant prove anything from them unless your dropping litter out the window or loitering with intent!!!
  14. Hi all like to say what a night that was .My mate that came along said it was the DOGS DOO-DOH'S!!!!! I was well happy with the performance of my scoob last night coz i keeped along side Granby through blackwall and i know his scoob is no slouch!!! It was good to meet some of you new members and i'm glad you all enjoyed it.Def can wait for the next one.Sorry to hear your car got hit Shiralee but we had a good run up the A2 on the way back Hope to see you all at the meet this month. P.s used Scoots camera so hopefully we got some good footage
  15. Ok mate not to worry i'll nhave to be a good and see if the wife will treat me to a new system!!!!
  16. Well do you know that Trev is a KA driver!!!!!!! So his secret been out along time
  17. Is your down pipe still in good condition mate and do i still have first refusal
  18. The shirt's i've still got are for Vicky and Paul K so can you get in touch please!!!
  19. Shall i start a list for those that are definately going on the tunnel run on the 1st march? 1. Big Jay 2. 3. 4. 5.
  20. My old ecu was just about dead,so i was told to get a Z4 ecu and when i change it i notice the diff after 20mins of driving.A top ecu
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