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big jay

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Everything posted by big jay

  1. Hi All, Jay didn't manage to pick shirts up today as there was bad traffic in Chatham and he had to get the kids from school. He will pick them up on Tuesday afternoon. If your really desperate for them you are welcome to come to our house to pick them up. Dazzlers - Thongs sorted but for my eyes only!!!!!!!!! Love Mrs Big Jay.xxxxxxxx
  2. Am pickin shirts up tomorrow. Scoots will bring them on Sunday.
  3. I'm up for it but it depends on the date!!!!
  4. 1. Granby 2. dazzler 3. pistolpete....scooby kel and daisy-may 4. col 5. Garth W 6. stiggy 7. VickyK & Paul 8. Aaron. 9. yogi & skippy 10.ME 11.Big Jay and wifey (Sorry peep's i forgot that we've got other commirment's then.) 12.Scoots & Mrs Scoots 13. 14. 15.
  5. 1. Granby 2. dazzler 3. pistolpete....scooby kel and daisy-may 4. col 5. Garth W 6. stiggy 7. VickyK & Paul 8. Aaron. 9. yogi & skippy 10.ME 11.Big Jay and wifey 12. 13.
  6. Hi and welcome to Kent Scoobies
  7. Right, i have been looking at other companys and this is going to be the cheapest. So if we can start a list as to which one we should get and how much they want to contribute to it, i will go with the majority Postage will be £17 next day or £14 3-5wrk days. 1st One(10'x20') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2nd One(10'x30') 1. Scoots - £10 2. eureka - £10 3. Dunks - £10 4. Granby - £10 5. dazzlers82-£10 6. Spikey - £10 7. Dalthegooner £10 8. col_2 -£10 9. Big Jay - £10 10.
  8. Spoke to the lady today and they received the shirts today and will try and get them done by the end of the week if not next week. I think there is a bit of delay wot with Christmas and the new year. Will let you know as soon as i do. Jay
  9. No doubt in the shop!!!!!! I was just talking to the wife about them,so i'm going to phone them tuesday.I was going to do it tomorrow but i have to go to work coz i'm on a course.So as soon as i find out what's what i'll let you know.
  10. Merry christmas to all and happy new year
  11. Spotted Vicky K in argos Strood yesterday morning.
  12. You do look a bit DODGY Gareth
  13. Spotted Eureka at the lights in Linton.
  14. Yeah was a good day and a good turn out there was about 34+ scoob's there :icon_rendeer:
  15. Yes they are mate,did you or did you not get your's today :icon_rendeer:
  16. 1. Black Wing 2. Badboy Baza (Barry & Ann) Subject to work roosters 3. Rizla (not 100%) but defo try 4. Listener 5. Un-ink 6. Scooby Hoo? 7. Jason751 8. Baser999 9. Granby (possibly?) 10. Dazzlers82 11. jules d 12. Prodrive Tony 12a. Kip (and friends) 14. SlowBoy 15. Little Green Goblin 16. Yogi 17. Dunks 18. Scoobyken 19. Big Jay and Mrs Big Jay 20. Wimpy & family 21. Sisbaru & Ali 22. Tyreman & Sarah 23. giboman 24. joe r 25. anthony300 26. Scoots and Mrs Scoots 27. HairyDJ & Chrissy 28. Turboandy & Anita 29. Skyler 30. Scooby Tkd (coming after 5pm cos of work) 31. P1Daveyboy 32. Eureka 33. Loony Toon 34. Baz69 and family 35. Stardust and him 36. Shiralee 37. Pele and poss Jake
  17. Is your's a classic? Coz mine is and it does'nt like anything other then v-power.If i've used tesco's 99 it does'nt run as well!!!
  18. Good idea.So we will meet at the Wharf in Dartford at 11.15 and leave at 11.30?
  19. Best music video i've seen in a long time
  20. I've been looking at the AA route planner and they say with using the M25 for most of the way it will take about 1hr 40mins to get there.
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