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big jay

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Everything posted by big jay

  1. Hi and welcome to kc.A cheep up grade is to go for a set of 4 pots,there is always some for sale on ebay going for £200-250.
  2. Spotted Eureka & Susy in their non-scoob at the lights in Staplehurst about half 4 today. We were in our non-scoob. Wasn't sure if VW Transporter's do the flash and wave!! lol
  3. Hi all, Just to let you know that we have been to the shop again and have arranged to have a sample made hopefully for the meet on the 14th. We have gone with full embroider front and back, as the map will be an outline with kent scoobies across it as usual. This has kept the cost down and therefore the shirts will be £15 - 18 + vat ( so about £22ish) Big Jay.
  4. Some ideas for the Agenda.. 1. What is the actual role of a RO? 2. How we can take the club forward? 3. What support is received? 4. What input is needed from members? 5. Ideas on how to pull together 6. T-shirts - colours etc!!!!
  5. Wife says CHEEKY GIT!!!!!!! Hope you had a nice holiday mate.
  6. DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have the artwork in 3 different formats so i will get them onto disc and take them tomorrow. Orange shirt and black writing. You can have embroidered or printed.
  7. Spoke to our neighbour who reported it apparently he and his son went at them with baseball bats - which is very cool!!! They sh*t their pants and scarpered. Don't think they'll be back in a hurry.
  8. Dogend...............Ashtray....................i feel a theme going on
  9. spotted a silver wagon by temple school today 12.15 got a wave sorry didn't see your name.
  10. I have done as much as i possibly can, if i can't get the artwork i can go no further. From what i can gather the artwork is being trade marked hence the redesign to add the TM. That is why there will be a delay. I can only apologise and i realise it is frustrating. And i can only do what i can do.
  11. Hi all, have spoken to Pele re: shirts and the artwork is being re-designed at the moment so until that has been done and i can get a hold of it the shirts are going to be on hold. Sorry for the inconvenience. As soon as i can get going on it i'll let you know. Big Jay.
  12. Msg from Mrs Big Jay:- I was more annoyed at being woken up!!! My Nissan 3 door coupe 1.0 mean machine is only worth about £50!!!! However they are scum. No damage, they had unscrewed the drainage plug and the lovely lady officer got on the floor and tightened back up for me. xxxx
  13. Hi all,my wife and i went to see We Will Rock You up London last night.The show was FANTASTIC every one was up dancing We did'nt get back till gone 1am,we were well nackered -_- About 4.30am we was woken up with loud banging on the front door,so i looked out the bedroom window to see there was a police car in the middle of the road so i ran down stairs to see what they wanted!!!It seems that some one had ago at the wifes car When i went out to have a look at what they have done there was petrol all over the road!!!!! Luckily some one had seen car acting weird and called the police.Within minutes the police were in the area,but before they had got here some one else had seen them and shouted an chased them off.The police found the tools that were using,so hopefuly it will give them something to go on! I throught i would tell you this so you can keep your eyes peeled!!!!
  14. Sorry no they don't, but i do have a catalogue which i hope to bring along to the next meet for people to have a look.
  15. 14th October At The Wharf at 11.45am 1. Pele 2. Shiralee 3. wedmonds 4. Col_2 5. Scoots & Dogend 6. Granby 7. Big Jay 8. Agree with Scoots. There should be an agenda so it doesn't turn into a free for all. Maybe a list could be started on the forum so that members can add what they would like to be discussed.
  16. Hi all i have got a catalogue now for all the gear.Found out some more price's today.Fleeces - £15 - £18 + vat,caps - £8 - £10 and wallets £6 - £8.Not shore if caps and wallets will have vat added to them!They also do sweat shirts and jackets.
  17. Whats that no more wrong turns now
  18. Well happy with that count me in!!!!
  19. Hi Tony glad you've found us.Welcome to ks, we did have a good chat saturday it was nice to meet you.Hope your car is nearly finshed?No doubt we will meet up at a meet or 2. Jay silver wrx
  20. Hi steve thanks for that i'll let you know cheers.
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