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Everything posted by twofourdonkey

  1. I could well make that one. Depending on duties at work/ wife etc. Are you planning a run out as well, or is it just a pub social?
  2. I had a problem with my alarm along the same lines. I could lock it ok, but in the small carpark outside a restaurant it refused to unlock, and once inside with the key, I couldn't reset the immobiliser. (aftermarket alarm, no keypad). I had to push it 20metres before it would play.
  3. There were some right Kernobbers there. There was more dope being smoked than burgers being eaten. No one offered me any either. I will watch for photos of chav's on scoobs as well.
  4. I saw a WR1 at Soltice park, near Salisbury Fri night. I was getting fatter in Pizza Hut.[:$]
  5. I was watching the orange scoob drifting. Awesome. Nearly as good as the guys that tried to do the corner backwards in a V@uxhall Senator [+o(]
  6. Yeah a good day. You even managed to get the membership fee out of me.[]
  7. Looks like I'm coming back at the right time. Stick me down depending on work etc. []
  8. S3 or R32. Audi if you're a badge snob, Golf if you're not.
  9. It comes up fast doesn't it. I've not quite had mine 2 years yet and done over 20K. Time for a trade in I think.[]
  10. Reference the powerflow bit........... In my experience, they are cheapish and quite well made for a budget system, HOWEVER....... The boxes have some sort of fibre glass packing which breaks up over time, so they get louder and louder. A little birdy told me that H&S get their boxes from the same supplier?? (Don't quote me on this) Unless you start having dramas with overheating, there is not much need to mess about with it. On the road you shouldn't be able to cane it THAT hard. There are cooler thermostats avalible, which help matters somewhat.
  11. The fuzz would be more interested in the "show lights" i have mounted in the grill. Used for fast motorway progress at night, and on the track. Why people think they are being chased by the cops on a track is beyond me []
  12. Fitting an oil cooler will help keep temps in check, and water injection allows higher boost with reduced det. Water injection actually lowers power at a set figure of boost, but makes the engine safer allowing higher boost if you see what I mean. As for outruning an M3. What do you mean exactly? Top end? 0-60? 0-60 shouldn't be that hard. Lose all the extra weight, and fit a close ratio box. Top end. Much harder. You need a large surplus of power to get above the 155mph mark that new M3's get to easily. (Scoob's are like bricks with parachutes attached)
  13. Classic flat battery............The beeping sounds like an imobiliser kicking in. Do you have a key fob to press if it has sat for a while? You will need to find out if the battery is charging propally. A multimeter on the batt should do. 14.5 V is a good figure, 13.5 will do. Any less and something is FUBBAR'ed
  14. Thought dogs had two like everything else?[^o)]
  15. I think the law is somthing like a maximum of 10mm? inside the swept area. As the standard wiper blades go almost to the top of the screen, there is no point fitting one. Unless you fit a shorter blade of course.
  16. Oh I get it............................. A left-handed, friend of the earth, green fingered, sensible car driving, labrador owning, limp wristed salute. Say no more.[]
  17. Oh dear, Oh dear. Don't you lot know anything? Everybody that has attempted to salute for the camera, has used the wrong hand!! Bleedin' civvies. Don't no nuffink.[]
  18. On a road tyre, the pressure can be upped a couple of psi to account for more side wall flex. Remember to check again after a few laps because of the heat in them. Track day tyres have stiff sidewalls so they can be run at lower pressures to increase grip. Too much pressure in a road tyre, and it's Bambi on ice. Too little, and you risk grounding the rim, popping the tyre off etc. It's a bit of a tightrope, but experiment a bit. You will know straight away if its wrong.
  19. Sorry to piss on your bonfire, but I'm pretty sure the rear handles don't fit the frount. (classic anyway). The only way round is to fill the holes using fibreglass and filler, then painting. It is always possible I'm talking out my hoop again though.
  20. If it feels like a bag of shit.........GET IT CHECKED!! A Golf I had lowered once, by a tyre fitters, was so bad I had to abandon it and get the AA to get me home. I got the manager of the place to come and see for himself and he was amazed at the mad angles my wheels were at. I fitted the kit by myself in the end, and went for a quality laser alignment. Problem solved.
  21. Had my Blobeye WRX at an indicated 160mph in germany. A BMW chasing was bouncing off the limiter, and then a standard looking S3 went past both of us as if we were stood still. []
  22. Bump stop aren't there to stop noises, they are to prevent the strut bottoming out. If it is bottoming out, the springs are the wrong rating, or too short. I don't know whats wrong with yours, but bumpstops won't fix it.[]
  23. Just changing the springs shouldn't mean you need bumpstops. It sounds like either the springs don't fit, or aren't fitted propally.
  24. Poor Bloke..............Thoughts are with his wife and sprog.........
  25. I think i've just pee'd myself. It's not even me getting the new car![:$]
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