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Everything posted by twofourdonkey

  1. A place called the ass end of nowhere!! Medicine Hat, Alberta.
  2. Have a good one mate!!
  3. Made it!! I'm now abusing the MOD bandwidth.
  4. I'm off on a poorly maintained, 1950's RAF backwards facing jet to canada at 3 in the morning. Hopefully if I make it, there will be some kind of internet there, but if not....................................................... Don't cry, I'll be back soon
  5. Stick me down for what ever I ordered before please. (Was it 1xXL Polo?) I'm off to Canada for a few months so if you need payment upfront just PM me in the next 10 days or so. Cheers.
  6. All are welcome bud.
  7. Can't do this one i'm afraid. I've got a medieval function to attend, so I will be chucking food around and quaffing copius amounts of mead.
  8. Cheers everyone. All over now for another year.
  9. Lets not even start with a weight debate Ed. Muscle weighs more than fat anyway.
  10. Ha Bloody Ha Ed. You know very well I'm a fit and youthful 21 again. Thanks for the mention anyway.
  11. Grey is always popular, but i'm not bothered if they are printed or embroidered. My only point would be that any large areas (ie back print) should be printed for comfort. The best bet is just to go firm on a design/ colour and stick with it. You won't be able to please everyone no matter what.
  12. Happy B-day from me as well. 21 again? (Insert loads of smilies here)
  13. I particularly enjoy the old boys in flat caps that insist on flashing their lights and waving wildly, when I have completed an overtaking manouver with 1/2 a mile to spare.
  14. Is there timings for this yet?? I think I will bother my ass to turn up.
  15. The donkey bit is less to do with manhood, and more to do with getting tanks stuck in the mud. I'm very enthusiastic though.
  16. s**** happens bud.
  17. My order is in with Vix.
  18. You better stick me down as well. I've suddenly got a lot more spare time now Mrs Donkey has done one with a copper. If there are any fit single women there, I will be holding auditions for the next Mrs Donkey
  19. Can't make this one i'm afraid. I'm off to Wales for a month to make sure the Bang Bangs go bang.
  20. I can't see the ebay links at work but for £7K i reckon you are looking at an early Bugeye WRX for a newer car. There are a few about with low mileage, in good nick, but what about going for a Classic? For £7K you could get a spanking classic. There are some specials that are still desirable now like Type R's, RA's, P1's etc. There doesn't need to be an issue with imports either. There are plenty of specalists that can look after them, and it only takes a map for UK fuel, and they are just as (if not more) reliable as UK cars. Welcome BTW
  21. Your willy must be tiny Good figures mate. Must go like stink.
  22. Wah??? Sorry mate, i,m not sure what you mean. I come via Marlbough and the Sun Inn is the right side for me and the M4
  23. I'm coming as well!!! Don't all cheer at once.
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