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Everything posted by twofourdonkey

  1. 76%.. Anyone with more than that was being a little economical with the truth. I lied my ass off, and i'm still dangerous!
  2. Nice one Monki. A life in the forces will make a man out of you, and the chicks dig it. Not that the RAF is a real armed force............a bit too pink and fluffy.
  3. It was an awesome day, probably the best show I have been to at Castle Combe. Just a shame I went up in my old mans derv Pug!
  4. Did you notice? Or was it pointed out to you?
  5. Well done. You didn't even have my Bi&tch of an ex wife helping this year.
  6. Join the Army mate....... Get it done for naff all........ Failing that.... There is a new Jap import auction on a Tuesday night at Thuxton....... Older Impreza's for as little as 800 notes. Got to be worth a punt. Hello by the way.
  7. For crying out loud.......... Havn't we settled on a soddin' colour yet? Who really cares that much? Vix, JD, If no one can sort it out, go firm on a colour, and take orders. If no one orders.........who cares? You can't please everyone, and you can't be different from everyone else without looking like knobs. I stand firm by my previous order if it ever gets to the production stage. ( I am back off to Canada until Dec if that will make a difference for payment)
  8. Cool?? It's redders out here. I'm on the juice in Edmonton now, and was copping off with Hooters girls last night!!
  9. I don't know about cheap, but Triton Motorsport at Bournemouth airport are spot on. A bit of a trek, but it's worth traveling for a good service (fnar, fnar)
  10. Dunlop runflats..... I have found out how to wind up the boost as well!! New engine here I come!
  11. I have had a few days playing with it and can say with some certainty that the cross country ability is far better than the old model, and impact protection is better too. Pedestrian safety and performance have suffered with the extra weight.
  12. A place called the ass end of nowhere!! Medicine Hat, Alberta.
  13. PMSL. I'm sure thats me in the bottom pic.
  14. You had best hurry mate. There aren't many left now!
  15. Made it!! I'm now abusing the MOD bandwidth.
  16. I'm off on a poorly maintained, 1950's RAF backwards facing jet to canada at 3 in the morning. Hopefully if I make it, there will be some kind of internet there, but if not....................................................... Don't cry, I'll be back soon
  17. We should start up a squaddie chunter forum. I've got enough issues with the powers that be, to use up all of the SIDC bandwidth in a day!!
  18. Stick me down for what ever I ordered before please. (Was it 1xXL Polo?) I'm off to Canada for a few months so if you need payment upfront just PM me in the next 10 days or so. Cheers.
  19. Glad to hear you're up and running again bud. Spoilers nearly on. It has taken some b@stardisation to make fit, but i'm getting there. It will look good when its done.
  20. Can't do this one i'm afraid. I've got a medieval function to attend, so I will be chucking food around and quaffing copius amounts of mead.
  21. Cheers everyone. All over now for another year.
  22. Lets not even start with a weight debate Ed. Muscle weighs more than fat anyway.
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