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Everything posted by twofourdonkey

  1. That gives me time to have a wake up coffee half way.
  2. I'll be at the Texaco garage as well. 0530....................That means leaving Tidworth at about 0520
  3. Is this still happening? No rush, just wondered.
  4. Me likey. It's miles faster than the old one. Someone is going to have to sabotage Ed's 'puter. His PPM (Post per Min) will go through the roof!!
  5. Claires boyfriend was the big lad with glasses if I remember correctly. WR blue STI, gold wheels. Soooooo 2003. Black is the new gold. Or antharcite if you want to buy my wheels.
  6. I bought a stand pass through the shop a couple of weeks ago, but it hasn't tipped up yet. You can add me to the Swindon convoy as well if you like.
  7. ED/SP/SIDC Mum Stewart Layzell Stewart Layzell part deux T33SCH Bailey73 MonkiP1 Oh yeh baby!! Mark STI Compo R11KEN Royal Scooby Bluescooby Ian Moores PetenSue - rb320 Green wagon - met at greenbridge - Used to go to oxon! Black scooby - met at greenbridge James04 + Doggy P1ROB + Jamie Wroughton 1 Wroughton 2 Wroughton 3 - (from oxford! will pass details of craigy to him) Twofourdonkey- Save me a space near the swings!
  8. Cheers for the kind replies. Obviously I am back on, but I'm at work as my home computer has gone tits up on me.
  9. I am having to pull out of the Western trip this weekend due to work commitments. On Wednesday I was involved in the repatriation of a soldier from my Corps and unit, that was killed in Iraq last week (I'm actually on pg2 of the Sun, at the back of the coffin). I will be a bearer at his funeral in N Ireland over the weekend or Monday, so I think you can understand if I pull out. Hope to see you next time. Rob. RIP Daz.
  10. Do we have timings yet? I will have to cut away to pick someone up at Bournemouth airport for about 1700hrs. I will be putting the miles on that weekend!!
  11. Sorry, I missed this before. Put me down for attending please.
  12. You're 'aving a Girraffe pal. A sky diver wouldn't cover my advertising fees.
  13. Thanks mate - can I collect. lol Yeah sure. Just pay the handling fee on collection. Guess how much that is LOL
  14. Happy Birthday mate. Fancy some wheels for free? Only £200 delivery!!![6]
  15. Stick me down on the list as well. Would a Dark blue with silver writing suit my complexion? In XL for my fat gut. Cheers.
  16. He doesn't need E-bay. He knows where to get top quality wheels and DVD players from!!! Check out my advert in sales............LOL[A]
  17. Stick me down for meeting at Sedgemore. I will speak to SP, Ed or Ken about meeting at Swindon somewhere before that though.
  18. Sorry to hear about this. Send my best regards when you do everyone else's please, and from Mrs 24Donkey, the cat's and the hamster.
  19. Oh go on then. I could be tempted to venture back up North. Hope the weather is better though.[st][st]
  20. You had better stick me down on the list as well. QUICK............Before the wife finds out!![6]
  21. It is a lot simpler and neater to tee into the small dump valve hose. The hose can then be hidden under the intercooler out of the way. The tee piece you have should fit that as well, just cable tie the pipes again to be sure there are no leaks.
  22. Nice pics. You even managed to catch one with me in it. I usually manage to dodge that sort of thing.
  23. It was good meeting you all, and putting faces to names. Can't wait for the next one now!!
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