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Everything posted by GaryD

  1. Car looks okay, nothing amazing tho, seen a lot nicer with far fewer body mods. The wheels are BBS CH's.
  2. Cheers Geo, another pm back at ya! []
  3. Cusco, youve got pm!
  4. Cheers guys, when we had the car up on the ramp I checked all the steering and nothing was hitting anywhere. Its not really a metal rattle either, its much more of a plasticy rattle. Basically as if there is something loose inside the steering wheel itself. So as long as the ignition is not turned on I should be able to pop the airbag cover off the wheel? Cheers
  5. Ressurecting a old topic.... This is still a ongoing problem. Ive had all the steering components checked over on the car and everything is ok. Stripped off the cowling inside the car which is over the steering column and nothing in there is loose or missing. Ive narrowed the fault down to it being inside the actual steering wheel. Also noticed that the noise happens when the car is moving and is the wheel is a 1/4 turn clockwise, but it doesnt do it when the wheel is anticlockwise. Are there any known faults with the drivers steering wheels or airbag on the Sti 7? Also does anyone know how to disarm the airbag so that I can open the steering wheel up and see if everything is okay inside? Cheers folks...
  6. A might be wrong, but i dont think the springs are inclued in the PPP. I think that inlcudes an exhaust system and remap, not sure what else tho.
  7. Our scoob has a turbosmart dump valve fitted, just noticed the other day that it is adjustable and I have been playing about with it, altho there doesnt really seem to be any difference to the sound. What im wondering is if its perfectly safe to adjust this, or is it something that I should never have touched in the first place. Just wary that something is gona go pop because ive played about with the dump valve, wouldn't imagine that was the case, but hoping someone can put my mind at rest. Cheers
  8. Cheers again guys. Wheres the cheapest place to get the droplinks? Anyone got any before and after pics with prodrive springs fitted? Nelsdir, did you find the ride to be similar to the standard sti setup? JohnS, I touch goats! []
  9. There you go, fixed for ya Westtra!
  10. Cheers for the help guys. Is it uprated droplinks that I should fit, or just replace with standard ones? I will probably just fit the springs myself and then get the camber and alignment done. I take it that I need to go to the dealers for prodrive springs? Cheers folks.
  11. Al need to get a gander at yours aswell! Nah still not up the road,hopefully be back just before xmas.
  12. yes mate ;-)
  13. Cos a stay about 4 doors down the street from u! Has it clicked who a am yet haha?
  14. Weve now got a bugeye sti scooby that lesley uses most of the time because av got the works van, and the g40 is still tucked up in the garage.
  15. Im thinking bout changing the springs on our bugeye sti to a set of the prodrive ones. Ive heard they are better than the eibach ones, can anyone confirm this? Im trying to retain as close a ride quality to standard as possible and believe the prodrive springs are the best option for this? Are the prodrive springs only available from the dealers or is there anywhere else cheaper that can supply them? Lastly wheres the best place to go to get the car setup with prodrive geometry settings and how much does it cost? Sorry for all the questions... Cheers folks.
  16. Normally would have watched Top Gear, but Lord of the Rings is on channel 4 at 8pm, never seen it before, so thats for me!
  17. Apparently Greenock Tesco has the pumps in for this, but they've not yet been activated. Would like to know how it compares to V-Power before I decide to change over.
  18. Good video Squirrel, the tunnel runs were such a good laugh, as mentioned on the night we need to find a bigger tunnel tho!
  19. Smart looking scooby raymie, take it the audi is away then? The Glasgow meets are the first Thursday of the month, you've just missed the November meet. Probably see the car about at some point.
  20. Ive got a weber alpha one in my polo, I think it came from demon tweeks, altho they are quite pricey. Another good place to try would be www.rallydesign.co.uk
  21. As Lesley had said above we had a great night and were made to feel really welcome. Cheers folks, looking forward to seeing you all next month! And yeah myself and Lesley own a silver bugeye sti with tsl pacakge. Cheers Stephen for the help with the petrol stations, we actually made it as far as the Linwood Shell station, and the petrol light still hadnt came on!
  22. Does anyone know what should be carried out as part of the 30k mile and 40k mile services? Having spoken to two different dealers and Greersport i've heard different things from each. Just wanting to know what should be done and how much it should cost. Cheers folks.
  23. Thot it mite have been you mate, lesley had mentioned you got a bugeye aswell. Your car looks minted! []
  24. I've done the opposite, our scooby will be used all year round and my J-Reg 1.3 polo is kept for the good summer weather! [] Its a good idea tho, keeps your car good, and will save you on fuel, road tax and insurance.
  25. Welcome to SIDC mate, cracking looking car... there is a Glasgow meet this Thursday if you fancy it. Do you happen to work in Greenock council planning dept by any chance?
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