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Everything posted by BJM

  1. And take it for a long run. If its an old battery it might not have liked going flat. EDIT - sitting for 4 weeks with the alarm draining it. See if it will hold a charge over the next while.
  2. Ouch, thats a tad expensive I'm averaging 28.5mpg over the past 9500miles (trip computer B ) Although 8.5mpg when your in a bit of a hurry Barry
  3. tow hook, the bit should be in you toolkit with the jack etc
  4. Really good question, I had quite a few cars over the year (understatement) Going to and from work - Smart Brabus (heated seats, leather etc and ran forever on £20) Summers Day - Elise Stealth - My 225bhp 4x4 Skoda Octavia Best car overall - None of them really, if I could take bits off each of them and create some sort of a mutant. Although I have had my current STI for 18 months now and thats a record for me so that must say something!!
  5. remember to put your pics here http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=141017
  6. IGNORE THIS - sorry
  7. I'm using a Perrin foam filter. http://www.perrinperformance.com/products/...=3&model=25 No probs at all. Just make sure you remove exccess oil from it. That's what buggers up your maf sensor. Clean and re-oil every few months. You'll notice no benefit in performance or mpg. If you change your standard filter every few months then a foam one works out cheaper coz you just clean it, re-oil and pop it back in.
  8. Remember to post your pics in the "post your pics of your hatch" post. Eh.... (in a posh Scottish accent). Would one raise a glass for the hatchbacks!!!
  9. Welcome, I'm from your neck of the woods. Keep logging on you'll get a good laugh at some of the topics & everyone always happy to be of assistance. As many have said you'll get back what you put in.
  10. Oh moneys tight but I hope to : 18x8.5 rota forces more carbon goodies new headunit mabey a bit of suspension work.
  11. Mon the hatches !!!
  12. I'm sorry to hear that. I doubt no amount of polishing will remove them. I can only suggest a respray. I live in the west so cannot recommend anyone.
  13. that's me. After several hours out side in the cold I have given up. Put dash back together. I'm going run a fresh set and ignore the originals
  14. I suppose I should explain what I done. The footlight kept falling from it holder and was dangling down. Caught it with my foot whe braking and gave it a good tug. No more footlights. Thought it was a gonner. As above discover I had broken a wire. Not the outer sheath but inside. The wires are tiny. Now stripping back the loom to break in to it before the break. Unwrapping insulation tape etc.
  15. A few months ago my footwell lights gave up the ghost. My fault but hey. Since im off work for a few days I decided I'd 'fix it' went out to the car today and started to fault find. I have discovered I have a broken wire way way deep in the bowls of the dash. Progress has been slow given it feels like -30 with my head stuck up behind where the glove box and cabin filter should be. Had to give in due to lack of light and frost bite. Will get it done in the morning. I wish I knew some very small person with tiny hands.
  16. It's just started snowing here (23:45 25/12) I don't remember a 'white xmas'
  17. Merry Christmas to you all!! I hope few of you end up with skint knuckles trying to fit some of those Xmas pressies!!! I hope to put faces to some of the names next year!! Remember keep it safe!
  18. More snow forecast for the central belt tomorrow night.
  19. -10.4 here this morning. Glad I'm off work, don't really want to start the car. I know it would be fine but still. It's bloody cold. Although I remember the winter of 93 or 94 when it got to -20 in the back garden. That one strangeley did not feel that cold. Might have been humidity or something.
  20. Just checked it's -7.8 in my back garden. I take it I'm not washing the car in the morning ( The car is boggin'
  21. Hmm, difficult one. I'd do some serious research on aftermarket brake kits. Having bigger discs does not always mean better brakes. if you go down a big brake kit consider fitting a master cylinder brace. This will stop the master cylinder trying to bend the bullkhead.
  22. View it as an oppertunity.
  23. Holly molly (trying to keep it clean!) that's impresive. Is this your daily driver? I'd love to find out the spec.
  24. A few flakes on Glasgow city center, but that's it.
  25. Alarm. You can do some cool stuff using that.
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