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scooby doom

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Posts posted by scooby doom

  1. Having recently had new KYB gas shocks fitted all round with Whiteline Flatout springs and a Whiteline solid drop link kit I took the scoob off to GT Tyres at Forres and here's the result


    Wasn't sure this would all be worth it but I certainly notice the difference :blink:B)

  2. Inovite CTS - not even heard this one mentioned before, suspicious of how cheap this is quoted at against others - is it not a strong or nice looking wheel ??

    I had the 17" CTS in GM and thought they looked ok but..... they curve outward quite a bit and you'll have to be ultra careful not to keep kerbing them. I had them just over a year and decided to swap when I had the chance. Opted for Inovit Redline but went for something a bit differnet and not GM this time. Here are a few before and after pics to give ya an idea.

    CTS pic's



    Redline Pic's



  3. I would have to agree with most of the comments above, not from too many personal experiences but mainly from listening to my wife every time she comes in from a journey. While she has mainly had smaller cars (Mini, Metro, Golf, AX, Astra, etc) this doesn't seem to be only one factor in being constantly intimidated. She now has a Vectra (well when it runs occasionally) and still finds this happening and puts it down to being a female driver. I'm sure this applies to the elderly as well, although their slow, hesitant, indecisive.. oh, sorry safe driving can't be overlooked.

    Now if we get passed the fact that 'women drivers' is a contradiction... wait for it... wait for it... kidding honestly :rotfl::rotfl:

    Unfortunately, there are other factors behind certain driving standards falling below par. As I'm sure most of you know pressures to meet dead lines and timescales at work can often lead to exasperated employees breenging about the country with little regard for others. There are also 'rumours' of transit companies telling their drivers they must meet deadlines and speed etc to meet them. Often these drivers bosses will tell them they'll pay any fines as well. Then there are the roads themselves. this is something we see up here as once you reach Aberdeen travelling north dual carriageways evaporate and motorways are a thing of legend. As the driver that is inevitably late for something having had two or more lanes going the same way you are is great but then you reach the bottle neck that is single lane A class road and suddenly the heavies, volume of traffic and dare I say it agricultural vehicles with orange flashing lights come out of the woodwork... feel ya temperature rising already?

    What I get a lot while working is asked "why should I have to.....?" "Why do they.....?" to all manner of issues. When it comes down to it in the perfect world you shouldn't 'have' to do anything and they shouldn't 'do' or 'be allowed to do' whatever. However, unfortunately we live in the real world and in that world these things do happen and will continue to happen despite out best efforts, it's what we do around it without becoming them that makes the difference.

    So with the chequered cap on the advice must be.... Do not allow the red mist to fall over your eyes, as you are likely to find that any subsequent retaliation may be dealt with as a road rage incident more harshly than their traffic infringement. Sorry but nor are you likely to be 'the man' and most people have no real perception of the day to day violent culture some elements of society view as normality. Basically, you don't know who they are are what they are capable of - I rest my case with the 1996 incident between Stephen Cameron and Kenneth Noy and the recent events involving Garry Newlove. There are obviously other considerations but if in doubt about any driver especially one following you, slow down, pull in, stop if necessary and let them pass. Or even turn into a side road till they pass by then go back or otherwise rejoin the road you were on and continue. I know and have said above you shouldn't have to but for peace of mind and your potential safety (and that of any family and friends with you) you may just have to.

    While not all my professional endeavours in respect of the motorist may be fully appreciated having an acute awareness of this means I can at least try to do something about it. I certainly look out for the intimidating bullies on the road and will give them a tug any time I see them in action. I would also welcome any complaints from motorists about this type of driving and look to trace and deal with them appropriately.

    Good topic and some mature thought into replies rather than mere ranting :P

  4. it would probs save a load of needless posts,i think that not a lot of folk up here check the official WIY thread on the main forum anyway,only ever saw a handfull of scottish wiy's on there tbh.

    My last post in the official WIY took 3 weeks before it was spotted by another Scottish member. Of course there may have been any number of other reasons but merely not looking there could be one. While some might not see the worth of WIY posts the fact is many others do and post regularly, even as a late acknowledgement of a wave, nod, etc. So having a Scottish WIY makes sense.

  5. All the best Steve on ya move to the lowlands, all down hill from here too. Hope the wee send off 'goodies pack' will be a reminder of..... well something. Keep in touch mate.

    For those who didn't catch a glimpse this was amongst Steve's goodies



    The image was taken at the Lecht Ski Centre during the November run.

  6. whats the bobby moore with "fix it" tickets...? I seem to recall someone saying that they dont exist? or what? they are at discression?

    They still exist under the Vehicle Defect Rectification Scheme (sometimes known as a VREC or 21 day ticket). They are pretty much discretionary but this can also be offence related e.g. a partially bald tyre on the limit may end up with a VREC although it would be unlikely for having two or more, or one very badly worn tyre. TBH it's less work issuing a ticket as the jobs done there and then, saves additional report writing and effectively having to do it all again if the driver fails to get it sorted.

    It would appear that nothing more than fireside haze is really acceptable now. It appears obvious that the message going out is 'get em off' the front tints that is, no matter how cool they make ya mota look. Obviously it all depends on perspective. Its like many other motoring bones of contention, it's not until you or your nearest and dearest directly adversely affected that it can suddenly seem a bad idea after all.

  7. Intresting.

    what about reactalite style tints?

    .. ones that get darker in bright light and lighter in darkness.

    whilst they might fail the police test in bright conditions, they will easily pass at night, conditions for which the law is written.

    Although it seems a bit of a lottery of where you're stopped and by whom, you'd like to think that an element of common sense would prevail. I'd like to think any offence would have to be incident related. Basically, if they're too dark at the time you're stopped then that's that, as you could only be reported on the evidence at the time. Having the changing film sounds a bit like 'Tint Roulette' to me.

  8. There is not just a blank 'points, points, points' attitude with regard to tints. From what I've seen, heard and read it appears as always that individual forces are operating to their own set of local criteria. Certainly in this area there is a graded approach depending on the % over. This can vary from a verbal warning to the full boona of points and prohibition. As has already been said I cannot see how they possibly issued a fix penalty when the car wasn't being driven. While there are technicalities of how it could be done it seems inconceivable that it would. The legal processes to identify a competent person to report would invariably lead to a full report to the PF and not an on the spot ticket. Personally I don't think I'd be happy with that myself and would have to suggest it should be challenged. If it's not bad enough that I/we are constantly berated by the uneducated on the basis they merely don't agree with being caught, having 'clown shoes' like these going about things in this way doesn't help the public perception of the rest of us. What can I say - Scotlands premier force leading by example again.

  9. are you working in peterhead noo min??? :o

    next time yer at the steakhouse try the mega burger :P:P

    No we were visiting, me and the missus are from area and have family and friends there. The visit to the Steakhouse was a sentimental/nostalgic blast from the past as we hadn't been for years (tbh thought it was closed). My granny and and two uncles live(d) in Atlantic Avenue and I used to crash with them at weekends when out at the Granada, back when I was a lad :P . Obviously its at the top of the street so was I was pretty much a regular then.

  10. Did your Y-Pipe fit ok the other week?

    Im curious because thinking about getting the same item(s) too.

    Not really. It was an eBay special at a good price but was a 90-95% fit so couldn't get it sealed properly. Didn't have time to muck about and put the original back on. May have another try sometime.

  11. Just back from Andy's, long day but worth it.

    500+ miles round trip

    500+ quid spent

    500+ bhp - hardly... :stupid:

    MY01 Bugeye WRX - standard cat'd downpipe but the rest S/S de-cat (incl up-pipe), Green panel filter

    Standard - 215 bhp ; 215 lb-ft torque

    Now - 265 bhp ; 269 lb-ft torque

    Huge difference, earlier spool up and pulls much stronger through 3000-5500rpm . Feels like I have a real Scoob now - cheers Andy :(:rotfl:

  12. Having looked at this thread and the Scoobynet link the problems seem to be down to individual Police forces interpreting the legislation and adopting local procedures to deal with same. In respect of exhausts and the noise created (or not) by them there are several directions from which Police could look to deal with drivers they believe are offending. Obviously I say believe as being charged and receiving a ticket is not in itself a conviction. As with any other offence a driver may challenge same and the Police evidence must then be lead and accepted by a court. This process can in turn lead to a conviction or acquittal but more importantly a statutory precedent being set. This is better known as a ‘stated case’ and if upheld on appeal can then be used to assist in determining future similar cases. Anyway, back to perceived excessive noise from exhausts.

    Firstly, a look at the legislation, seeing what it says and whether it appears to have been correctly interpreted is needed before starting to comment on whether we merely agree with it or not.

    The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, as amended makes the following abbreviated provisions:

    Regulation 54

    1) Every vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine shall be fitted with an exhaust system including a silencer and the exhaust gases from the engine shall not escape into the atmosphere without first passing through the silencer.

    2) Every exhaust system and silencer shall be maintained in good and efficient working order and shall not, after the date of manufacture, be altered so as to increase the noise made by the escape of exhaust gases.

    Regulation 97

    No motor vehicle shall be used in such a manner as to cause any excessive noise which could have been avoided by the exercise of reasonable care on the part of the driver.

    The Road Traffic Act 1988 creates an offence for contravening any of the above regulations.

    So, in general terms what are they about.

    Reg 54(1) - relates to noise caused by missing pieces of an exhaust system or the traditional ‘burst exhaust’ and as such you can’t really argue with that – it’s either there and/or defective or it isn’t.

    Reg 54(2) - relates to altering the standard spec to create more noise (probably came about years ago with people knocking out baffles on MkII escorts and the like). We’ll come back to this one.

    Reg 97 - relates to the manner of driving rather than construction of any component of a vehicle and could include unnecessary high revving while stationary or pulling away from a junction or lights and wheels spin. Basically, any noise that would not occur or be heard while driving in a normal manner. Again if you think your foot slipped on the clutch then you’re entitled to go to court and argue your case.

    Subsequent to the above the Anti Social Behaviour legislation has recently been used by primarily incorporating Regs 54(2) and 97 when trying to kerb unnecessary driving habits which may cause general annoyance.

    But back to Reg 54(2) where the real issue seems to be what constitutes ‘altered’ as it seems obvious that many after market exhausts do increase noise to some degree. Personally, I would like to think that altering would imply some form of modification to an existing standard component. However, it also seems that some Police forces are viewing the replacement of an existing part on a ‘like for like’ basis as amounting to altering. Not my view and something that may eventually require a court challenge and ‘stated case’ to finally create a legal ruling. Until then if a Police force directs it’s officers to report drivers for creating noise via loud exhausts then these are the ways it will be done.

    Now, as for db levels, I’ve not been directly involved but my understanding of the process is as follows:

    Firstly a large number of standard vehicles of all types are tested and their individual db volumes recorded. This is done as previously mentioned by a sound detection device situated a prescribed distance from the pipe. The test is carried out at a suitable location with low ambient background noise and repeated 3 times. The sound is recorded for a set duration of a few seconds at a steady 4500 rpm. This then provides a db level for an individual model of car. Some forces then take all of the sample db levels, adopt the noisiest of the bunch as their benchmark and add 10%. If your car is tested it will be compared to both the highest known standard (benchmark+10%) and that of a standard model of your own vehicle. If your vehicle is higher than these then you’re likely be charged but in terms of Reg 54(2). You may then wish to seek legal advice in respect of ‘altered’ as previously mentioned. It is highly unlikely that measurements would be taken for a charge under Reg 54(1) or 97 as the actual volume would be irrelevant.

    Figures are often bandied about and a figure of 100db may be adopted locally be some. From what I’ve seen the average car tested has a db level of roughly between 65-85db. Therefore, benchmark+10% would be approx. 93db and any louder could possibly be looking at further action.

    I would say that picking cars at random just because they have a audible exhaust would be highly unfair. However, have a pipe which sounds straight through or drive around a town centre or housing scheme with lead boots on then you’re likely to be pulled. My advice is to think about where you are, what action has been taken against other drivers in that area and don’t draw undue attention to your car by the manner of your driving and you should have little to worry about.

    Traffic legislation is generally dealt with through a mix of enforcement (tickets) and education (warnings). Let’s hope if the situation arises you are educated.

    Finally, we, yes even I don’t agree with all of the laws but you know what they are and if you fall foul of them seek actual legal advice rather than relying on www.weknowbest.com. I’ve said it before being treated unfairly is not right and should be challenged but I can’t condone those who knowingly commit an offence and merely look for a loophole (or website) to get off on some technicality.

  13. About time those shell drivers points started coming back too..

    I got 2x £13 fuel vouchers through the post out of the blue and some bonus points vouchers. Unfortunately the staff at the Shell Garage at Keith hadn't seen them beofre and I held up many others while they sorted out what to do with them :) .

  14. Why won't Elgin? Don't they ever have V Power days?

    Elgin isn't a 'Shell' garage in the true sense being privately owned so doesn't have to conform to Shell promotions. In addition, according to the staff there, the owner is tighter than... well you can fill in the blanks.

    Anyway, I was there not an hour ago hurting the pocket at £107.99 a litre not to mention the girl working there hadn't even heard of a V-Power day and had no idea what I was taliking about when I asked. Says it all for Elgin really.

  15. 1 RS Grant

    2 Fivetide

    3 360ste (end of Oct early Nov )

    4 IainC

    5 Toby69 ( got a provisonal date just going to confirm )

    6 Scoobaroo 16 Oct

    7 Rossco_ (Sent andy an email tonight, waiting to hear back)

    8 Power Junkie (Andy also fitting MD321H and injectors)

    9 Scooby222

    10 Spooks

    11 Playsatan

    12 STi_Bandit (date & price dependant)

    13 Richie Cross (again date/price)

    14 Fai17............................................Full Day 1st October..D Day!!

    15 Chris_C201 (just a map tweak!)

    16 KINGHORN (Waiting on an email from andy)

    17 Fonzy (E-mailed Andy, looks like it'll be sept)

    18 craigwrx

    19 daves2rs (Map with ESL chip, Middle September)

    20 ImprezaPete

    21 Z1000 possibly emailed andy regarding proposed mods

    22 Boyakasha

    23 C_WRX

    24 young-buck27 (awaiting date from andy)

    25 whitelightning ^^^^(as above getting done same day)

    26 DuncATR (Apexi Power FC and AVCR mid October) I will contact Andy this week

    27 Chris.mcd - (25th Sept)

    28 Marc29

    29 Scooby Doom (10am 16th Nov)

    30 Kev Bain (Booked in for the 25th Sept)

    31 Ac!D

    32 bennyhill (october)

    33 oletam why not!

    34 GaryD ( 10am 12th Sep )

    35 CYP_ROCK (1pm 12th Sep ) Crank it right up captain

    36 TheWelsho (1pm 11th September)

    37 mitchel(28th september 10am

    38 skinner( waiting for reply)

  16. The Shell garage at Keith is having a V-Power day next Monday 03 Sept.

    7am - 7pm V-Power same price as normal unleaded.

    Pointed out by lady in shop but should have had a clear notice up and I wouldn't have put so much in today and waited til Monday and went back.

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