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Everything posted by ali37

  1. Fit like Kloon, Doin fine - got yer spoiler on yet? Lookin forward to seein the "Blue Thunder" if its goin to make an appearance. Ali.
  2. Might join ye on Sunday. The hillclinb is right next door to my dads place. Its easy enough to find. Head out of Dyce towards Newmacher, take the first left after going under the old railway bridge towards Fintray. 3 miles up the road. Cant miss it, always plenty of signposts up.
  3. When we had the RR shootout about 6 weeks ago at Japerformance every car had their tyre pressures adjusted before the run and put back to normal when finished. As it was my first RR run I didn't think much about it at the time.
  4. Cars owned :- <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Ford Fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall Cavalier Hatch Mk2 Vauxhall Cavalier SRI 8V (Great car till some *#@* wrote it off) Vauxhall Cavalier SRI 16V Subaru Impreza Turbo MY98 (Seen the light - almost bought a new astra turbo!!!) Subaru Impreza WRX MY52 (1st new car) Subaru Impreza STI Type <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />UK MY53 Subaru Impreza STI PPP Type UK MY05 (the best one yet – 2nd new car)
  5. Newage: 01. STi_Bandit --------------- (MY04 - STi Type UK) 02. WRXMANIA ------------ (MY03 - WRX - SOLD 03. Mrs Jc scoob ------------- (MY01 - WRX) 04. G.Mac ------------------- (MY05 - STi 9 UK) 05. st3ph3n ------------------ (MY05 - WRX) 06. PaulC555 ---------------- (MY01 - WRX, Sti, ish) 07. Stu_B -------------------- (MY03 - WRX ) 08. Z1000 -------------------- (MY03 - Sti 8 UK) 09. NKWRX ----------------- (MY06 - WRX) 10. 360ste ------------------- (MY02 - STi) 11. Higgy --------------------- (MY02 - hybrid) 12. Cal ----------------------- (MY02 - WRX) 13. Fai 17-------------------- (MY04 - STiUK) 14. The Welsho --------------- (MY06 - WRX 15. rallye 6 ------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 16. G.T. --------------------- (MY01 - WRX) 17. Kev 580 ------------------ (MY02 - STI 7 UK) 18. Spaceman ---------------- (MY05 - WRX swrt) 19. Mako --------------------- (MY05 - WRX) 20. bigbadboab --------------- (MY53 - WRX) 21. Big Den ------------------- (MY05 - STiUK) 22. Mrs Big Den -------------- (MY05 - WRX) 23. scoobysailor ------------- (MY05 - WRX) 24. Keap_scooby ------------- (MY01 - WRX) 25. Gus the Bus --------------- (MY05 - WRX300) 26. 4hero --------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 27. PECO ---------------------(MY05 - WRX) 28. Dean ---------------------- (MY53 - STI Type UK) 29. DrewG-------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 30. Chris_c201---------------- (MY01 - WRX) 31. TheBlackSheep-------------(MY06 - STiUK) 32. Clutdav-------------------- (MY05 - STI 9 Type UK) 33 Sheep--------------------- (MY01 - WRX WAGGON) 34 hammy ------------------- (MY02 - STi Type UK) 35 Zeolite---------------------(MY05 UK300) 36. Scoobymark---------------(MY04 - STI UK) 37. Dipsy ----------------------(MY05-JDM STi) 38. Irish Al -------------------- (MY03 - WRX) 39. dynamix -------------------(MY06 - STi UK) 40. Digital----------------------(MY05 - STi) 41. STI Pretende---------------(MY02 - Sport UK Ltd Edn) 42. oobster---------------------(MY03 WRX) 43. Karps----------------------(MY03 STI UK) BLUE 44 jimser----------------------(MY05 WRX) 45 craigwrx---------------------(MY05 WRX300) 46. ali37------------------------(MY05 STi9 Type UK) Classics: 01. Shep -----------------------(MY99 - Sport) 02. Kloon --------------------- (MY00 - UK) 03. Jc scoob -------------------(MY99 - UK ) 04. WRC No1 ---------------- (MY97 - UK ) 05. Gordyq --------------------(MY95 - WRX) 06. Darryll ---------------------(MY 98 - Type R) 07. scientific steve -------------(MY98 - Type R) 08. Oz *sti* -------------------(MY96 - STI v3) 09. Col 666 -------------------(MY99 - Type R) 10. scoobyfuzzy ---------------(MY93 - WRX) 11. Road Warrior ------------- (MY94 - WRX) 12. Todd ----------------------(MY93 - WRX) 13. Bigdavie -------------------(MY99 - Turbo) 14. RubyTheScooby ---------- (MY98 - Sport) 15. Rossco --------------------(MY00 - Type R) 16. Ally-b ---------------------(MY00 - UK) 17. micra_wrc ---------------- (MY96 - STi type RA V-Limited) 18. Seafar99 ----------------- (MY98 - STI v5 Wagon) 19. RRS 555 ------------------(MY98 - UKTURBO Saloon) 20. Mako -------------------- (MY93 - WRX) 21. Vicki ----------------------(MY00 - UK) 22. paddy247 -----------------(MY94 - WRX STI V1) 23. Ac!D --------------------- (MY95 - UK) 24. FastScooby -------------- (MY95 - WRX) 25. Dtabbit77 ---------------- (MY00 - UK) 26. Terzo Neil ---------------- (MY98 - UK Terzo No. 306) 27. scoobykev --------------- (MY98 - UK) 28. Arbroath Smokie --------- (MY98 - 22B) 29. TheSquirrel555------------(MY96 - WRX STI LIMITED 555) 30. MY94---------------------(MY94 - JDM STi V1 Wagon ) 31. coulty--------------------- (MY96 - WRX STI V2) 32. Weeb--------------------- (MY93 - STi power) 33. Whitelaw------------------(MY00 - P1) 34. Duncatr------------------- (MY97 - UK Cat No. 99) 35. Catalunya80---------------(MY97-UK Cat No. 80) 36. Frank C-------------------(MY99-UK Turbo) 37. Stripe--------------------- (MY99-UK Turbo) 38. Pugpaul------------------- (MY96 WRX Wagon) 39. RS Grant------------------(MY99-UK Turbo 40. butcher boy ---------------(MY97 (jdm wrx) 41. Simmie --------------------(MY 97 UK Turbo Wagon) 42. scoobyscoop--------------(MY98 UK Turbo Wagon) 43. Ross9 ---------------------(MY97 - STi4 Type R) 44. Kenny.S-------------------(MY95 - STi Type RA 45. Iqy-------------------------(MY00 - UK Turbo 46. neilswrx--------------------(MY95 -wrx import) 47. Hepy-----------------------(MY00 - P1) 48. ScottySTI------------------(MY97-JDM STI v3) 49. MrBadger------------------(MY98 UK Turbo Wagon) 50. kart_man-------------------(MY01 - P1) 51. Fiefster---------------------(MY00 UK Turbo Wagon) 52. johnh-----------------------(MY95 WRX) 53. Gambler--------------------(MY95 JDM WRX) 54. billyyoung-------------------(MY95 UK) 55. thefastone-------------------(95? N reg... GL Wagon - Shed™ UK)(Farmers Edition) 56 Redscoobydoo--------------(MY94 WRX ) 57 Redscoobydoo--------------(MY94 WRX STI ) 58. pugpaul----------------------(MY96 WRX WAGON) 59. philip_w---------------------(MY99 UK Turbo)
  6. Aye, had a good day - yep kloon, ye were lucky on the way oot. Had a good view - pity i didnt have a camera, the scooby was fairly twichin.
  7. a photo into your message. Am sure there was a thread here a few weeks ago but can't seem to find it. Anybody help!!!
  8. 1. Kloon - YES 2. Craig Mac - YES 3. Rossco 4. Philip_w 5. Ac!D 6 Charlie 7. Thefastone - YES 8. Ali37 - YES 9. Scooby Steve
  9. Yeah, I'm up for that... ]" src="/emoticons/emotion-2.gif"> 1. kloon 2. Craig Mac 3. Rossco 4. Philip_w 5. Ac!D 6 Charlie 7. Thefastone 8. Ali37
  10. ASDA, BRIDGE OF DEE @ 0915 FOR 0930 1, Craig Mac 05 STi WR Blue Y***AM PAID 2, Kloon 00 DBM Turbo (W*** NST) PAID 3, Dean STI8 White (SJ** FTO) 4, rossyboy 93 WRX Silver (B2 RD*) PAID (I was with other Ross when he paid!) 5, Rossco 2000 type R grey (X*** WFX) PAID (I was with Ross when he paid!) 6, Gogsie 04 jdm sti 7, 360ste Blue Bugeye STi MM***CW 8, Philip_w 9, Charlie, redscoobydoo 10, Ali M, Blue classic wagon (R***DJS) PAID BRIDGE OF DON ESSO STATION @ 0940ish<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> 1, Pete (yes it's a 1.6) Silver WRX, K*** EJB 2, Carl Davey - MY98 STi RA (XDV **X) PAID MEETING US THERE 1, Butcher Boy 2, Ken 555 - MY95 Sti (N *** KGR) 3, Euan (M*** EHP) Paid (think it was gogsie that was in office we me, the ein with bairn anyway) 4, Infiltrator2 5, Ali37 - 05 STi WR Blue (S***FAK) PAID (was stuck waitin while the phone was answered. think charlie was in front of me) 6. RA95 - MY95 WRX RA (M*** JGA)
  11. Ali - Re the Potenza tyres - Now on my second set of RE070 Bridgestone Potenza's, don't have a bad word to say against them. Have fantastic grip in the dry and not too bad in the wet, but not as good as the Goodyear F1 in the wet. Wear wise not too bad - just replaced them 3 weeks ago after 10,000 miles, the rears are only half down. Only bad point is the price - £125/tyre. Ali
  12. Not long home from the RR day at Japperformance. Had a great time meeting all those that turned up. Great turnout Craig - well done. Also well done to Simon and the crew. Checked my e-mail and the photos of my car on the rollers were already sent - Cheers all at Japperformance. Am happy with my 306bhp (flywheel) on my standard 05 STi PPP. Ali.
  13. <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /> 28.2 - read it and weep (only 6 attempts)
  14. Will meet you there, am out in inverurie so will get warmed up on the back roads over to ellon. Where exactly in ellon is the place - take it everyone will be there for 10.00, ASDA, BRIDGE OF DEE @ 0915 FOR 0930 1, Craig Mac 05 STi WR Blue Y***AM 2, Kloon 00 DBM Turbo (W*** NST) 3, Dean STI8 White (SJ** FTO) 4, rossyboy 93 WRX Silver (B2 RD*) 5, Rossco 2000 type R grey (X*** WFX 6, Gogsie 04 jdm sti 7, 360ste Blue Bugeye STi MM***CW 8, Philip_w 9, Charlie, redscoobydoo BRIDGE OF DON ESSO STATION @ 0940ish Pete (yes it's a 1.6) Silver WRX, K*** EJB MEETING US THERE 1, Butcher Boy 2, Ken 555 3, BigDavie 4, Euan 5, Infiltrator2 6, Ali37 - 05 STi WR Blue (S***FAK)
  15. Runnin an 05 STi PPP in WR Blue - not much mods due to warranty etc.- you know the score. Just run in properly (10000 miles) and wantin to see if its got as much ponies as its suppose to.
  16. Hi Craig, am going to be free on Sat - bit of a last minute, but if there are any spaces left I would like to join in. Never had the beast rollerd yet.
  17. Am out in sunny Inverurie (well it was tonight).
  18. Hi folks, just joined the forum. Been lookin in now and again but never got round to joining till now. Been into Scoobs for a while, am on my 4th at the mo - currently got an MY05 STi PPP.
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