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Posts posted by cullenmin

  1. I can only add my condolenses to the families left behind.

    I don't if anybody remembers an accident on the Keith to Banff road about six weeks ago just outside Cornhill which claimed the life of a 17 year old lad. His mum works for me & every day I see the devastation & heartbreak an accident like that causes. It really is sole destroying.

    The 2 accidents were within 2 miles of each other.

    yes i remember this, its happening far too often up this neck of the woods :thumbup:

    It was my brothers best mate that lost his life on the cullen to buckie road along with a really young lad and another woman from the area. that was just 16 weeks ago.....


  2. This is some really bad news for me.

    Mark was one of my best mates, and his girlfriend and her sister were always so full of life and not so far away when mark was home.

    The last day has been hell for me, my mates and both families involved. I really feel for the parents, I can't begin to imagine what they are going through.

    Mark almost came to Alford last sunday, its such a shame he didnt come along.

    I will pass on everybodys condolences to his family.



  3. I had a good day out today.

    Big thanks to JohnS for organising the event. The sun was even out all day which makes a change from the rain that usually comes down on this event.

    I was well impressed with JohnSt's car, that is some machine you got there and you got the driving skills to match. I'm glad you showed up all those evo's as I remember last year the evo's dominated. They must be gutted :D

    Shame about the building site in the usual car parking area, kinda split the cars up but hey ho.

    Good to meet a few of you guys there and I hope we raised loads of money for santa cruise.

    I have some photos and videos but i'll need to pick out some good ones. (especially ScoUk's mishap :D )



  4. BHP Results from the day...

    1. Speech - 273

    2. IainC - 301

    3. Ali37 - 325

    4. SmilerAS - 274

    5. ScoUK - 273

    6. WrxBob - 355

    7. Euan_r - 252

    8. McKay - 258

    9. Scooby-Girl - 288

    10. Scooby222 - 320

    11. Alan Strachan - 236

    12. RSRICHY - 243

    13. Livi - 115

    14. P1GGM - 286

    15. Brownie85 - 230

    16. Andy Morrison - 180

    17. L7SBO - 237

    18. Guy in Audi S2 - 276

    Well done to robert (wrxbob) for having the most powerful car on the rollers.

    I didn't get everybody's torque figures but I know Aaron's 2.5 pulled some good torque.

    Nice 1 folks ;)


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