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Posts posted by cullenmin

  1. Cullenmin, if you look at the guys in the car, they are having a ball (and seem to not have a care in the world).

    I also meant to say, what's the stopping distance at around 60mph?

    Aye they do look like they're having a great time B)

    And I'm sure I've seen closer than that on a public road :wub: (not necessarily me though) :thumbup:


  2. 3458875290_e805f9183e_o.jpg

    This pic sums up speed sunday for me....

    What should be a very very nice car on the track looks more like a shed.

    Absolutely fantastic pics folks, plenty excitement and mayhem for you guys.

    I wouldnt go on one of these track days either, not worth making the side of my car look anything like the one above.


  3. A garage can do a pressure test, I think they connect a pump to the header tank then jack up the pressure to locate leaks.

    AWD done this to mine to locate a leak I had, ended up being a very fine hairline crack on the radiator that was even hard to locate with the pressure test but evertime I drove it, I'd get the steam from the engine bay. New radiator and all sorted. My symptoms were different to what you have though.

  4. Have you done a coolant fluid change lately? If this was done incorrect then you could get an air lock, squeeze the rad hoses (when cold) and you'll hear any air pockets in the system. If so keep squeezing and keep topping up the header tank. If system is definately full then I'm not too sure what it could be.

    Thermostat or faulty water pump maybe, someone on here may know better.


  5. running well so lets blow something else up! ;)

    Aye you know what I'm like :blink:

    me personally i wouldent touch anything that hasnt been tried and tested already TBH

    Totally agree

    what turbo are you thinking about going for rich?

    Just browsing jimser :P

    Lots of bad news with turbos from unknown companies

    Yip, thats why I asked the question as I hadnt heard of them myself

    Better off buying it from Lateral or such likes.

    Cheers peter, last time I tried to get on the lateral website I think it was under construction.

    Thanks for the comments lads, I'll stick to the reputable suppliers :thumbup:


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