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Everything posted by Nudge

  1. For 50 quid you can get a modest set of graphics for it, that will set it off a bit
  2. I found you get more attention from the general public with a full blown graphics look, and kids love them, i'm always gettin told "smart mota mate", and as for the boys in fluroesent jackets....never been stopped, i found you get less hassle from them if you stand out. Im having mine re-done a bit more bolder soon gooooooo on you no you wanna
  3. Yep once a week for me too, i've used about half a litre in 8 months, i know its got a little leak down the back somewhere...
  4. I got a 93 wrx, with a manual boost controller, running at 0.9/0.95 bar, with a decat, it does make a difference,it seems to pull better through the rev's, but you do need to uprate you fuel pump, and i wouldn't bother with an induction kit on yours..on cold days i do get fuel cut, to much fiddling, but i will be replacing it all come summer....
  5. Im up for whatever,just read it and it is ery sadning, im sure us lot can sort summit out.
  6. anything to ruin an honest evenigs fun...
  7. Yep have a good-ern Gina, Free undread an fiftee quid....I go with dal, a decat stretches that grin a few centimeters more. or a Barbaque for the summer.
  8. Not on..........Some people dont realise what the outcome might be if S*** happens.... bluddie nobs Glad they is all safe and well
  9. Only just got back online, this is bad news for ya Trev, as everyone else has said we is gutted, surprising though how much value they actually put on our cars. Although the write off value is one third of the car value, keep ya chin up me ol luv, hope you get back on track soon...
  10. Hi me ole luv, glad to have ya on board....with you all the with THAT sound...[Y]
  11. Must be an eppidemic, my battery's gone the same over the last week, Blame it on the weather....
  12. Mine's an import as well, i got a manual in PDF format, i can email it to you as an attachment, it's 40 mb file if ya can take it. Your welcome to it, its done me fine...
  13. Gutted for ya trev..... absolutely naff all you can do bout it, you have to be kin lucky to keep it in a straight line, glad nuffin else was involved, and you ended up safe...........hope yer get sorted...
  14. You've got me worried [:|] no need to worry, works better with half a tank of shell and half a tank of 97 octane, get blinding results
  15. Yep, good old Ebay for the module, 24 quid. the plug supplied was a bit short, changed it for a long reach. peice of cake to fit, had to mess around with fuel and bits to get the best effects, now well chuffed...
  16. I found that problem too this morning when pulling away from the lights, under boost she sure do get twitchy.......fun though.[]
  17. It sure makes a difference..........i loikes it, loike.[Y]
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