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Everything posted by Nudge

  1. she will work with you to achieve the design you are looking for
  2. ran into bit of a problem...the gearbox diddnt want to let go of the engine, no matter how much we tried she diddnt want to let go, also how easy is it to get the injectors out i removed the cap, do they just pull out, i tried but they seen to be in there firmly, new ones waiting to go in....then new 16g turbo, headers to go on, new uppipe to fit, timing belt, excedy clutch to go on, me hoses should be here in the morning to fit as well. then when its all running i can fit the new ecu, and some new scuzz and herman graphics....ready for the spring, fingers crossed
  3. Well at last i have all the bits to start my rebuild, she's been off the road for 6 months but loonybin has come down for the bank holiday to assist, everything has been removed in the engine bay. easter bunny's coming in the morning to help put the new engine in once i have put the new bits on, then MOT, and a remap and i will be on the road again, so things are looking up for me at the moment.......i is happy at last...........
  4. nice flames there mate....pmsl
  5. havent heard dal about for a while..
  6. i can remember colin mcrae's mad moment, certainly wrecked that focus
  7. i havent seen one for a long time, funny little cars they were lol. i rekon the bugatti needs some spotlamps on it and a roof scoop
  8. so whats it gonna be then trev, a rover 75 or a yugo zastava.....
  9. This is just down the road from me, should have mine rebuilt and running by then
  10. Showing me age now..... Song Alone - Heart Album Saints and Sinners - Whitesnake
  11. souds like you all had a great night, pity i missed it again,
  12. gutted for ya simon, me brother told me you had a ding at brands, diddnt realise it was that bad, so how many scoobs have you got now..?
  13. no the limiter is controlled by the ecu, it takes reference from the speedo, you can get a converter for the speedo which removes it as it gears down the speedo to allow you to go past 112, mine was limited but as i currently have the scoobyecu chip it removes the limiter
  14. I tried it in mine and it wouldn't run properly on boost, kept missing and holding back under boost, i let the tank empty and filled it up to the top and it slowly got better. ????????
  15. just so happens someone else has the same idea, but doing it for charity is always better. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=111964
  16. Mine started with small amounts of oil in the pipework and intercooler, 5 months later it got a whole lot worse and filled the intercooler, sounds defo like the seals going on the turbo..
  17. Keith Micheals quoted me 430, with all mods declared, but A Plan beat that with a quote of 354 with a 350 excess, so im gonna go with that, mind you i do live in the middle of salisbury plains.. what sort of excess are you lot got attached ?
  18. i got a spare bag of plaster in the shed if ya fancy a bit of DIY..... and then when you done yours you can do mine....lol
  19. I'll put my name down, should be up and running by then, 3rd May 1. Pele 2. Loony Toon 3. Deani_age 10th May 1loonybin 2GARTH W 3.dazzler 4.Nudge
  20. Thanks for that yogi, i had to shoot off early as had to pick up my daughter at 11.30, still got to chat to a few, maybe next time i'll have a bit more time, as for the scoob, she is misfiring, and has no compression on number three, i'm told its probably a piston, common, if one's gonna go it will be no. 3. i'm planning a full rebuild myself with a few mods to make her a bit stronger, i have another engine to slot in for the time being, i picked it up friday from jolly, (cheers mate ) not too much longer to wait................i hope.
  21. i heard back from them today referance this, no discount though but they did offer summit else. "Due to the extremely competitive prices we offer for our events we do not offer a discount on the track day price itself. However, if you bring a group of 10 or more to any event you will all be entitled to a free 20 minute instruction session worth £20." so still a bonus, once i get mine rebuilt, i will book it up...
  22. Got too meet most of you at last, even if i diddn't get too talk to you all, had to leave at 9 unfortunatly to drive bck to wiltshire, take my new engine home , (cheers Jolly ) maybe next time i will have mine back.
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