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Everything posted by Nudge

  1. I would also like to add my thanks, you deserve to have medal for all the hard work you endured to make this happen, emotional times leaving lanark market to fun and joys getting from banbury to warwick, the best time ive had scince having the scoob. Thanks !!!!!
  2. Leaving lanark was an emotional sight and made me proud to have taken part, people lining the roads applauding and waving, and all for a great man. i eventually got out of prodrive at 7.15 and went in the shell garage on the A4177, was in there for about half an hour just chatting to a few dudes from essex and some gezzer from south wales, then for me it was straight down the fosseway (A429) with a couple of blobs in tow, great weekend 1100 miles and well worth it, only problem was a burst top hose just outside lanark, but with loonybins help and a few rolls of tape...sorted. oh and the small detour when we left banbury on the way to warwick, we ended up in a garden center with 30 others, wot a laugh... also had a chat with VBH walking back to the scoob. was anyone else parked in isofts carpark at prodrive, did you hear the noise when we all started up to leave, what a sound to savour, it bounced around the buildings and made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Thanks to all you guys and gals for the convoy up sunday, great fun. wouldn't have missed it for the world.
  3. Simons car sounded awesome, i was behind him on the way to warwick...antilag mmm what more could you want
  4. i made it on there twice, what a result, and what a weekend...luvved it, and the scoobs were brilliant, big thanks to all involved
  5. absoluteblinding weekend, spent a vast amount of it sat in traffic, and all you could see was scoooooooooooooooooobs....luvved it
  6. just for confirmation....The Sun Inn, is that just off the marlborough road, by the hospital...
  7. cars all finished at last....see you guys in the mornin... :0)
  8. just to clarify things, i'm leaving from the sun inn with us lot on friday, and meeting up with my family at the hilton services just after m54 junction of the m6. i'm travelling down to banbury on saturday and then leaving sat night and driving down to me mums gaff in dartford, staying there for the night and convoying up to prodrive with kent on sun morning....loads of convoys and also get to blast through a few tunnels at the same time, sorry if it got confusing.
  9. That looks ace mate, they done a grat job there, simular design to the midland scoobies scoob, yours looks better in pink and white...loving it...
  10. sorry guys diddnt make this ran into complications when fitting new brakes, me and my bright ideas
  11. go-on, i got mine fitted, and i love it at night...
  12. i always had a suspition....
  13. looks nice, will stand out, and very appropriate for the occasion, well done
  14. If tis what i think....bet it looks awesome...... they always do a top job, got a couple of updates for mine at the weekend.
  15. " Not that i'm complaining or anything, but arn't you sucking on the wrong hose "
  16. sorry to here this mate, seems you and your family not got the best end of life at the mo' chin up mate, hope things look up for you soon..
  17. have you read the last post........ http://www.mcrae-gathering.co.uk/component...id,169/catid,6/
  18. Put me down for the friday drive up to lanark , meet at the sun inn
  19. Der....Could it be the premier travel inn then
  20. have a great day bud...Happy Birthday
  21. Happy Birthday Guvnor, have a good day.....
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