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Everything posted by Nudge

  1. I'm in the same boat as barry.........working that night.[]
  2. Appi Birfday me ole luv......
  3. Deserve's a bit of credit.....got to larf though....[]
  4. Really gutted for ya, we had to make 12 redundant last week, [] not a nice job anytime, especially at this time of year.......hope it works out for you..[Y]
  5. I'm very Tempted...........oooooooooooohh..[:|]
  6. Must have summit to do with your DRIVING...........[]
  7. Gotta be said, did make i larf.....[Y]
  8. Thats exactly what i found in my center section, there is a cat looking box in the pipe but it was hollow inside, i just assumed someone had got there before me and knocked it through. however the downpipe cat comprised of two sections.
  9. A bit out of the blue.......? That came from deep...
  10. Ive just decatted my classic as well, at first i replaced just the center, diddnt really make much difference, and after having greif with my flame kit i dun the downpipe as well, i now have straight through from turbo back, with the exeption of a resonator in the center section, well worth the fun i had fitting it with limited tooling, sounds great, more pops and bangs and the flame kit makes a bit of wee come out, when its switched on..( thanks to some helpfull peeps on here). only takes an hour to fit a cat for the mot, so go for it BLUE,
  11. Its the same for me, costs me 15 quid in fuel just to pop up the shop...lol
  12. I wouldn't have believed any different..[]
  13. Hey Rich did you pick up that Yellow lace Tutu as well....[]
  14. That is mad..... But funny... that little geezer (the smaller of the little geezers) would'nt back down, full credit to him. []
  15. Good luck Mick...... Hope it all goes smooth..[Y]
  16. Morning loverly people of Kent.
  17. No you missed out....Work on the decat, and go on the internet..lol
  18. The day was good, the evening aint.........Im at work till 7 in the morning [:'(] But you lot have fun.......
  19. I noticed that old Rossi had a good run in the New Zealand Rally in his Subaru wrc car, looked a bit plain in black though, at least he finished the rally, I dont think pirelli fared well up against goodrich Solberg couldn't keep on the pace. and what happened to Atkinson, he dissapeared of the board and nowt was said about him.
  20. Some nice pics on there...[Y]
  21. Mornin Dal, nice to see ya on friday...[Y]
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