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Everything posted by ROAR

  1. spotted prodrive tony (twice) once at asda round about and then about twenty minutes later by the bull hotel hornscross at about 5.00 oclock this eve waved both times but sadly no replies [:'(]
  2. Hair dryer is the best way and then some glass cleaner or meths
  3. cheers Jay hopefully not at cost to yourself
  4. ROAR


    hopefully overnight and i will get to play in it on the way to work[]
  5. wooooo hoooooo good on yer you'll soon be back up and running did ya take any pics while youi were up there???
  6. cool as a cucumber trying to control an out of control car one handed did he think he was a kin rodeo rider or something doh[H]
  7. lol she was most upset at being called chineese
  8. light blue classic wagon last night passing blackfen school for girls about 8.40 silver classic with blue graphics blue star roundabout at about 9.00 last night
  9. sorry to hear that mate hope you find something soon
  10. Spotted a nice dark blue classic with gold grafiks at about 6.10 pm hawley road this eve[H] looked sweet and sounded nice[Y]
  11. as it says on the tin[Y]
  12. A woman in her fifties is at home happily jumping naked on her bed and squealing with delight. Her husband watches her for a while and asks, "Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look? What's the matter with you?" The woman continues to bounce on the bed and says, "I don't care what you think. I just came from having a mammogram, and the doctor says that not only am I healthy, but I have the breasts of an 18 year-old." The husband replies, "What did he say about your 55-year old arse?" "Your name never came up," she replied
  13. hello guys and gals just been sent this in an email dont know how true it is but better safe than sorry "Ken Livingstone has had installed small undetectable specs cameras (average speed detection cameras) in the north and south bound tunnels. They went live on 19.1.07. Speed limits for the tunnels are - northbound 30mph and 40mph southbound. Any offences for speeding through the tunnel would be raising funds of £100 per offence or £50 if paid promptly. They have not installed sign warning drivers of this speed trap and therefore would not be looking to hit drivers with a licence endorsement, just take the money from you."
  14. slow is always goooooood no pain involved[Y] fast = wham bam thank you mam (not good)[:|]
  15. ditto, ditto, ditto lets hope its sorted quickly and you get back where you belong (behind the wheel of ...................a reliant robin)[] not really. Good luck in your hunt for a scoooob
  16. i'll second that woo hoo double posting,. anything to get the post count up
  17. theres a time and a place for everything and this time and this place obviously wasnt right its f'ing morons like this that give responsible owners a bad name lets hope pc plod will do something. glad to hear that the missus came of unscathed (oh and the car!!!!)[]
  18. theres a time and a place for everything and this time and this place obviously wasnt right its f'ing morons like this that give responsible owners a bad name lets hope pc plod will do something. glad to hear that the missus came of unscathed (oh and the car!!!!)[]
  19. I hope the tight 8astards come good for ya trev.
  20. and turn on the flamer kit???? lol
  21. cheers ross i have just signed up[Y]
  22. I wasn't close enough to see the number plate, though they were 'dark' decals. ROAR was it you???? probably mate coming home from work sorry didnt see you have to look out better next time
  23. wheres mine! I touch goats ages ago i'm gonna go and eat worms cos nobody loves me!!![:'(]
  24. hello mate and welcome to the nut house best bits about scoobies are they are all individual, they sound awesome and you drive around looking like a complete nutter (with a big grin on your face, waving and flashing to other scooby owners) also going on kent scooby tunnel runs wahooooooooooooooooooooo! it aint just a car its a way of life.......................
  25. it was me, good to see you
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