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Star Performance & TVR Tracknight photos

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I bought a new lense for my camera today (please don't tell my wife [:'(] [:D]) and popped through to knockhill tonight to test it out. Here's a few, they are not perfect, but I did learn a lot about the lense and camera though...














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she's not seen it yet... I'm just glad I dont have a credit card, no bill = no evidence [:D]

p.s. the photos are a bit crap because I just took the lense out the box when I got to knockhill, didnt even read the manual [:S]  I will read it tomorrow though...

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What would be your rates for coming to take a few decent pics of mine once I get it back from the bodyshop?

Andy, we could hook up down at Edinburgh Park for a wee photoshoot if you fancy, or somewhere else.. I'll see you wednesday anyhow (if you are going to the meet), if not we can sort something out (for free ofcourse)! 

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What would be your rates for coming to take a few decent pics of mine once I get it back from the bodyshop?

Andy, we could hook up down at Edinburgh Park for a wee photoshoot if you fancy, or somewhere else.. I'll see you wednesday anyhow (if you are going to the meet), if not we can sort something out (for free ofcourse)! 

Me too please![:P] in early May once I get the cage in and the paintwork and polishing done[:D]

Wondered what was on tonight. I passed a few "marques" on my way back from Kircaldy earlier this evening.

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JC, I just told her a few minutes ago that I got a new lense. She has no idea how much these things cost, but when she sees the size of it (the lense that is) she will be in shock [:D]

It was funny, I got it form Jessops in Edinburgh, the guy said "Would you like a bag for it", I said "Yeah, but do you have one that does not say Jessops on it,  I've came home with 2 bags already this week and my wife will freak", the kind gentleman obliged and game me a very stealth plain white bag [:P]

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Good god man! [:D]

Each to there own I guess. My old man just about fell to the floor when I told him how much I spent on a clutch. Madness.

I almost feel bad about saying this after the event but I take it you know the jessops 10% off code on their website. Just enter promotional code HOTUKDEALS at the checkout. You can still collect at too store if you select that option.

Cracking pics btw. Gonna have to go on one of those track nights and take some supercar scalps.

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Playsatan, thanks and cheers for the discount code mate, didn't know about that! I did get £100 off the price on their website (due to them having the wrong price tag on it in the shop [:P])

John, wheel budget is not affected by this purchase (I hope [:P])

Scoobaroo, thanks mate, I'm a complete amateur with dslr's but have always loved photography ever since I used to develop film at school. The lense was a must for trackdays, and I would like to be a photographer when I grow up [:D]  



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