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A wee Santa Cruise suggestion!!?

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Guys n girls,

Was at a meeting @ the Scottish Exec in Edinburgh today about National Cycle Week events in 2007 and came up with a wee idea.

As a number of you are into your mountain bikes how do youz fancy taking part in the "Pedal for Scotland" event in September which is a cycle from George Square in Glasgow to Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh along set route. 50 miles in all!

I could sort out the sponsor forms, registration etc.... if we could organise a group to do it with Scottish Scoobies/Santa Cruise tops on and raise cash for a very worthy cause!

right, shoot me doon in flames[:S]


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good idea Gus, happy to support/help out if I can but its been a while since I've cycled anywhere

Yer not alone Imy! its been yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaars! since my erse wiz on a bike but, gonna get one for me birthday and have 5months intensive training after that! Anyone care to join me[:S]


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