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Loads of scoobies and other jap cars, we have regular meets and I've only ever been stopped once by the cops (I was going a bit quick- going back to douglas by the cat sanctuary for the locals face-icon-small-smile.gif ) and he didn't even give me a producer!

Can I ask why?


You get very little hassle mate, when the scooby group were over we all went down south and on one stretch of road the guy's hit 150.

But they did not know that i was at the back of the group with a copper behind me.

I only hit 100 to keep him behind me, he did pull out once to have a look but that was it, turned off down the road.

You will enjoy it.


We are hoping to organise camping facilties etc hoping for it to be a weekend or something. We will be bringing some car mags over to cover it and also alot of Jap Cars from the UK and Ireland just need to find someone over there either from the tourism etc to suggest locations for the meet up on one of the days and also some camping grounds for prices etc


Hi Terence,

Give these a try for an idea on prices. Or these. They seem to be about the best with showers and stuff. If you really feel like roughing it for nothing then you can camp at Sulby Claddaghs for free, although they only have basic washing facilities.

Hope this is of some help. face-icon-small-happy.gif


The camp site at peel is worth a look too. It's dead cheap (like £4 a night or something) and has shower/bog etc facilities there.

I camped up there in summer with a load of mates for a night out in Peel. Much more fun than I expected! face-icon-small-smile.gif


Would the camp site just out of union mills be best as its closer to douglas for nights out and the guy is use to noise as its full when the TT is on?


Thanks lads for the help face-icon-small-happy.gif Do these places need to be booked previous to turning up or can ya just invade when you get there and whats the parking like ? Or is it just all fields face-icon-small-happy.gif


Hi Terence,

On behalf of all the Manxers, ( just come back from there myself), YOU GOTTA GO, you'll love it.

your parking is the biggest problem, but what the hey, just go for another spin aroun d the mountain HE HE.


Hi Terence,

This Might Help you find about the planned dates for IOM 2004 trip. As you'll see from the thread there are two suggested dates, the most popular one is the Manx National Rally @ the end of July.

Hope this helps you deceide on when to visit Scooby Island.

You guys are always welcome anytime.


Hi Guys,

If you PM me or mail me direct on prouse@manx.net

i will help if i can, as far as Rally next year, Manx International Rally is July 29th/31st .

As R/O i am organising( with help from my fellow 3 leggers of course) The Sidc Manx Bash 2004

Also being Srage Commander for the above event i am already working on a marshal package, but we are intending to run a full week.

Ta Ta



Scooby Island

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