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My brother in law has a 2000 Bugeye WRX.  He just called me to say a amber light lit up on his dash then went off a little while later.  He does not know what it is, and is worried.

He is still on the road and called to see if I knew, but mine is a classic and a different dash.

He said it was just above his petrol gauge, and said it looked like a engine.

Dont know if the engine warning lights are diff in the classic and original new age.

Can anyone help here, and clear this up?




Dave........as you know mate my kowledge of the impreza engine is almost as extensive as my knowledge of my Cheryls bedroom....but I can tell you it was the CEL light...why its on is anybodys guess....best advice i can offer is to pop along to Duncan at Hypertech if he is open and get him to pop it on the old computer to tell you whats up?? nearly sure Gav can do this for you also..if you ask nicely!!....

sorry i cant be of any more assitance but I cant be gorgeous and brainy...



sure is mate.......had a problem with mine during the summer when the car sat for a few weeks while I was on hols...came back and the CEL was on..turned out to be dirty Idle control valve...but after a few hundred miles it seemed to cure itself and the light went out...



  He just called me to say a amber light lit up on his dash then went off a little while later. 

Sounds a bit like a glitch to me. Why would it go off though is a bit more concering.

A bit like crossed wires to me.

A Red oil light springs to mind with a Ford I owned. If it's Red then your too late anyways.

PaulC555 I touch goats BTW.


"Check engine light"

Means the ECU detected something a bit iffy and flashed a warning. Get it to somewhere with a select monitor (dealer, specialist) and see if they'll give it a check. 


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Subaru Impreza Drivers Club Fo... » Regional Areas » Scottish Scoobies » Re: Engine Warning Light

Re: Engine Warning Light

02 Dec 2006, 20:16


Joined on 23 May 2006

Posts 52

Re: Engine Warning Light

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The ECU can diagnose any fault that may arise due to abnormal signals that are sent to the controller. The ECU Check Engine Light (CEL) will illuminate in the instrument console if there is a problem with any of the computers inputs. It is possible to find which sensor is faulty by following these steps:

· Turn ignition OFF.

· Connect read memory connectors. These are the small black connectors under the steering column above the pedals.

· Turn ignition key to the ON position (Engine OFF)

· Engine Check Light turns on

· Code is indicated by Pulsing light - See below

· If Code is OK Turn ignition OFF disconnect the black connectors

· If CEL returns a number of different pulsing lights then check the ECU code table.

· Turn ignition to the OFF position. Disconnect the black connectors.

· If there is a fault, then check the appropriate sensor.

The ECU codes are displayed as pulses of the CEL. If CEL goes out there is no fault.

In Diagnostic Mode – No Fault is indicated by the CEL continuously & evenly flashing on/off (this is also used to indicate the successful completion of an ECU Reset) SEE "OK code" in diagram below.

The long pulses (1.3 Seconds) indicate Tens and the short pulses (0.2 Seconds) indicate ones. Pulses are separated by Short Pauses (0.2 Seconds), multiple codes are separated by a Long Pause (1.8 Seconds) SEE "Trouble codes" in diagram & examples below.

The simplest way for an inexperienced mechanic to retrieve codes is to write the codes down in a sort of Morse Code (dots and dashes), and start a new line when you get a 1.8 Second pause (for NEW code), and then add the actual numbers up after code retrieval is completed.

must be starting to get the hang of this computer lark.


11 Crankshaft position sensor

12 Starter switch

13 Camshaft position sensor

21 Engine coolant temperature sensor

22 Knock sensor

23 Mass air flow sensor

24 Idle air control solenoid

31 Throttle position sensor

32 Oxygen sensor

33 Vehicle speed sensor 2

35 Purge control solenoid valve

42 Idle switch

44 Wastegate control solenoid valve

45 Pressure sensor – Pressure exchange solenoid valve

51 Neutral position switch



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I'm putting a Tenner bet on camshaft position sensor ;)

Had mine done already, it just flicks CEL on now and then. Got Chris Alan in east linton to plug in his ECU checking handheld.

£150 all in when I had it done.

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