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Two Way Radios

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A few people have mentioned using two way radios for next years events. The big run in March isn't far away if you think about it, and once the regional meets are out the way in January we only have 2 months.

Thought a bit of discussion at this point might be good to get the ideas flowing.

Some good deals on Ebay that have 12mile range looking at £15-£20 per radio (with batteries and adaptors)

Other questions:

Do each region have a set of their own(held by the RO) or do we have a centralised stock?

How do we pay for them?

How many?

Is it worth leeting members get individual radios?

Setting clear rules for use on runs so the airwaves don't get jammed with chit chat?

Hope this gets a few people thinking and will help in the smooth running of future events.

Lets make Scottish Scoobies the best we can be.

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PMRs (Private Mobile Radio 446Mhz)) are pants in tin boxes. These hand portables are generally light-weight, low in features, low power and low cost. They are OK for short distance 1-3 km with a good line of sight.

You'll be better off with PBRs (Private Business Radio) for in car usage.

How about a nice Havard CB rig with a K40 mag mount on the roof!!

People could also get mobiles with the PTT (push to talk) option and set them up for this purpose.

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How about a nice Havard CB rig with a K40 mag mount on the roof!!

You'd get all the muppets of the day with their big ampliers, used to be on the CB radio years ago and now an amateur radio operator which I havent used for a while.

CB radio isn't what it used to be and you'd probably get muppets trying to disturb conversations.

Dougie C

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One of the resaon I think radios were being discussed was that all parties would be able to hear instead of lots of phones calls one-to-one.

Also they would work if cars were in groups lead car and last car could keep in contact.

Also another group would probably never be more than 3-4miles away so a radio with a 12mile range may be ok.

Good point re: the handsfree. Think you can get earpieces so might be like mobile phones.

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"good point never thought of that, shows how much i know about mobiles"

Bluetooth ya muppet.[:P][;)][:P]

Handheld radio's are now covered by the same law that applies to mobile phones but good ones will have VOX (voice operated transmission)

The radio's mentioned above will be licenced PBRs and much better as well as more expensive than PMR446s.

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Good thread.............

I have used them on some very fast TRS runs in the past. They were awesome but potentially dangerous.

There was the issue of the public not knowing what they hell was going on as they tended to be used for overtaking moves  i.e blind bends -  where an unbeknowing car would get passed and wonder why the passing car was being driven so dangerously......

So other than for ensuring that people are catching up in a group they dont serve too much of a purpose to be honest.

When we were out we could pick up bikers doing the same thing as us............so when you sayy "go, go, go" some poor biker gets nailed

I think the Feds would also pick up on this

Stick with small groups, bags round sign posts and the like in my opinion



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Good thread.............

I have used them on some very fast TRS runs in the past. They were awesome but potentially dangerous.

There was the issue of the public not knowing what they hell was going on as they tended to be used for overtaking moves  i.e blind bends -  where an unbeknowing car would get passed and wonder why the passing car was being driven so dangerously......

So other than for ensuring that people are catching up in a group they dont serve too much of a purpose to be honest.

When we were out we could pick up bikers doing the same thing as us............so when you sayy "go, go, go" some poor biker gets nailed

I think the Feds would also pick up on this

Stick with small groups, bags round sign posts and the like in my opinion





I agree with you on this Cal.

They may seem a good idea but it could all turn into a complete whacky races event which is what we do not want/ need.

The lead driver should in essence drive to keep the group together thus negating the need for such devices. If they cannot do that then they get replaced at a stop by someone who can.

simple really!

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I think it was me that mentioned it and the idea was never for it to get to a point where we were using it to co-ordinate overtakes as in my opinion it's completely stupid.

Just for keeping tabs in case anyone got caught at lights or there was a breakdown, or to warn of scamera vans, dangerous conditions ahead etc.

Obviously the Santa Cruise was a low speed affair, but it showed that it is quite straight forward to get split up, or even to get it wrong (guys going to wrong Asda).

I've got 4 Cobra two ways here that I got in America and they have good range. Don't mind sharing them out amongst people on a run, even if it is just for group leaders

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For all the use they will get just hire a set when required no?

I would suggest PMRs might be usefull aswell tho - although they only have a few miles range I would imagine that is all that would be required most of the time with relaying being an option - The advantage is that everyone can easily get a PMR for themselves so no club outlay...

I have 3 I use on the bike and they have VOX tho since falling off they dont have much left of the earpiece, Ill make sure I bring them to any events I go to...

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