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What price a pizza ?


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Hi guys, I was down in the Swindon/Shawridge Pizza Hut establishment last night, enjoying a bite to eat with a beverage or two as you do. We came to leave to find (in the dark) that somone had smashed my drivers window in a ran off with me satnav. There was glass everywhere and our wee dog was in the back absolutely cra**ing herself with fear from the noise that would have come from this smash and grab, we heard nothing and the Sigma alarm never went off once.

We had parked in what we thought was a safe corner, away from all the other inconsiderate drivers who like to smash my door panels when they open their own doors too far, thinking it would be safe from harm, how wrong I was. Being of a security minded kinda guy I covered up the satnav and camera detector with a cloth so no-one could see. They left the detector and the phone right next to it too. We phoned the police to report it, and as there were no cameras in that area it would remain unsolved, so I got a crime ref number for my troubles to inform the insurance boys.

I was not a happy bunny I can tell you, after picking nearly all the glass shards from the front of the car we made our 25 mile journey home at night with the window open and hot air blowers running overtime, all the time picking slivers from my hand and my ar$e as there were still bits embedded in the seat.

So im without a car for a tad until the insurance sorts it out, I have to drive the wifes blue beetle, covered in pink flowers...oh the shame.

I reckon the pizza shud cost my at least 60 quid in replacement windows and another 300 quid in replacment satnav. I guess the moral of the story is if u have stuff inthe front of the car and you leave it, leave it uncovered, so that any piece of $hit thief can see what you have on offer before deciding to take it for his own and make sure it is left in a well lit parking area. So at least it wont get robbed but all your door panels will get dented and scratched to buggery by these poeple in their oversized mpv's.

 Oh aye our wee dog Ellie is right as rain now, hopefully no permanent damge done there......


[:@] They should chop their Fricking hands of then leave them in the room with the victim for 5 minutes.

Not good news for you. Bet you look good in the bug pmsl.


No one minute would be enough for me, I'm a steeley eyed killer (retired) as me mum would call me, we could sit down and 'discuss' a way forward....

As for the bug, I have a brown paper bag with two eye slits [:$]


That just makes me mad as hell [8o|] Sorry for you Colin :D

On the other hand I hear that Chuck Noriss (Delta Squad) knows exactly who did your car over and when he finds them he is going to round house kick that person so hard in the head that the pain will be imprinted in his dna so that generations from now on the aniversary of the round house kick each one of his concurrent offspring will place their heads in their hands and cry out in agony what the F^%K was that.

See you soon




What a Bunch of W.......

Theres no respect in this world anymore


However Vimmy dont worry the other half sympathise with you as regards to driving your Mrs car as Dave hates driving mine Silve with PINK stickers !!!!!!

Hope you get it all sorted soon mate



I work for the ambulance service and we have lowlifes nicking the stanavs out of our vehicles when the crews are attending patients - doesn't get much lower than that surely?

Ah but Kaz, it is a nice car to drive tho.....

Yeah stealing itmes from ambulances has to be the lowest of the low, I just prey these poeple need this service and have to suffer due to essential items are missing. [:@]

I spoke to the outfit that Keith Micheals use for their insurance claims, on monday morning as they werent open over the weekend, only to be told to phone AutoGlass. If I had known this I would have had this done on sunday, but never mind.  AutoGlass came out on monday lunchtime and repaired the glass within 3 hours, swept and hoovered the broken glass and left it nice and sparkly again  [:)]

Woot, I'm now back on the road, no longer having to drive a wallowing elephant of a car (hope the wife doesnt get to see this [:P] ) and whizzing around the backroads to work, happy again [:)]

As for the culrpit, I had a small card dropped though the door from 'Chuck NorrisConsultants' saying that the problem had been resolved.......(everybody hum along to the sounds of the A-team theme in your heads)

Now to clean out the small shards in the restof the car.......


As an aside, for a bit of retail therapy i went and got a 22mm whiteline rear anti roll bar, as you do. Fitted it tonight, gonna test it on the roads to work tomorrow :D

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