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Friday night

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Jim, were you around The Terrace area about 5:40pm on Tuesday? (hey I sound like a copper!!) turning right near to Kensington Road Youth Club? If so I was the miserable sod who wouldn't let you turn right in front of me face-icon-small-blush.gif

Edited to add "Have Theresa?" I have never even met the girl!! face-icon-small-wink.gif


Good man, sounds like a good crowd tonight. Don't forget to wave at Leah on your way in, and say "SUBARU" to the Irish head doorman for free entry.


Nah, Jon. It's not him you need to worry about. There's another lad nearby who seriously has it in for you! He'll put the bung up you if you wind him up enough! Lol


The BIG fight live at the outback Friday 24th Oct 9:30pm.

Shooting match to the death.

Weapons of choice : Slippery Nipples, Springboxes, Bazzokas, B52's ............



Sorry guys but all i've got to look forward to tonight is a dvd and a bottle of wine........

....possibly some female company if i'm lucky aswell.



That's because all you lightweights scarpered after a couple a jars!

Went downstairs to find y'all, and got told by Neil that you'd all buggered off already!

Tut tut!.

Me, I'm awake physically but I'm far from being alive yet. Need to get this damn zorst sorted today too.......

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