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Anyone using the new Internet Explorer 7????

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omg someone else uses IE6 or 7...

I get slagged by a few people I know for using it, get the usual ear bashing from the firefoxers how IE is crap and MS wont conform to CS and other standards and how your a muppet for using it...


I quiet like IE6.. i update with all patches but I cant use IE7 cause of Windows XP issue if you catch my drift [:$]

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The BBC. Ever the source of unbiased opinion. Bloody mac lovers.

Community Server is written on Microsoft Programming technologies - so why it's not compatible with a Microsoft Browser is baffling. It really only properly works with IE6 as Firefox has its limitations.

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Been using IE all my computing life, recently changed to Firefox and wasn't impressed by it. I do like the tabbed browsing though, but in terms of running some content, it simply isn't as smooth as IE, particularly with embedded sound. Granted, FF is more secure; so they say, I have never had any sort of breach on my system caused by an IE bug. IE for me!
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Horses for courses I always say, jus the folks I know who are into firefox act like your subhuman if you use IE. Always going to happen really since I work in IT.



Yeah, good points. When people frown upon me becasue I use IE and not FF or some other alternative, I ask them if they are that concerned about MS cr4p then why not switch entirely to a Linux platform? We all know its better in every sense, other than its user-unfriendliness.

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I use firefox as well.

If you go to the plugins you can get one that allows you to open a page using IE in a drfferent tab. Its right click then "view this page in ie tab". Its only needed on some sites as firefox wont display it correclty. You will know what I mean when you see one.


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