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Glasgow area Santa Cruise

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The Glasgow area Santa Cruise will take place on Sunday 10th December .

We will have a convoy through the city with the cars done up in Christmas decorations , tinsel etc (prize for best decorated car ?) - route to be confirmed .
The convoy will arrive at Yorkhill Childrens Hospital at 1pm where 'Scooby-blue' Santa and his elfs will hand over presents .

I have spoken to Yorkhill Hospitals PR girl Lorraine who will deal with informing the newspapers , local radio etc as well as arranging  parking and unloading of presents at the hospital .

Yorkhill have been quite specific about what we can/can't give as presents - so we would prefer cash donations . We will then use that to buy the kind of presents that the hospital would like for the kids.

Imy (micra_wrc) has some sponsor/donation sheets available which STI pretender kindly made up . These will be handed out to everyone at the November Glasgow meet - anyone who can't make it to the meet , or who'd like their sheet sooner - please contact Imy (micra_wrc) or Robert (STI pretender)

Peter (Fai17) is running a raffle which will be drawn at the SIDC Christmas meal being held at his restaurant (Kwang Tung , George st ,Paisley)
All raffle money and profits from the meal are going towards presents .
We are still looking for some more raffle prizes - the more the merrier .
Raffle tickets are already available from Peter in person or by post - see here http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/809433/ShowPost.aspx

We are looking for stickers for the cars IE Scottish Scoobies Santa Cruise 2006 and  www.scottishscoobies.co.uk  if anyone has any contacts who could help with this please let us know ASAP .

We are also looking for large poster(s) with Scottish Scoobies Santa Cruise 2006 and www.scottishscoobies.co.uk to display who we are ,before the convoy and when parked at the hospital - again , anyone who can help us with this , please get in touch ASAP.

We are looking for a good turnout on the day - the PR girl said that previous years had been great and really cheered up the kids , so lets try to make this years another good one .

Thanks ,


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nice one Ally.

for anyone that wants to be involved in buying presents, I'll bring along copies of a summary sheet that I've made up listing the type of presents that Yorkhill prefer with me to the November Glasgow meet.

If you are not able to attend the meet, drop me an email (micra_wrcATyahoo.co.uk) and I'll email you the sheet.

I can also email out the donation form for those that can print it off themselves.

If you dont have access to a printer, PM me your postal address and I'll stick the donation form and summary from Yorkhill in the post for ya.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi James ,

I think everything is covered in the posts above .

Basicly , the Glasgow area event this year involves everyone meeting at 11AM December 10th at Asda Robroyston (Bishopbriggs) for 12 midday  departure with the cars done up in Christmas decorations . We then drive through Glasgow centre (inc George square) to Yorkhill Hospital for 1pm , and donate loads of presents which we have bought with money raised at various events throughout the year ... Scooby Santa has promised to appear - if we are all good [:D]

Any questions just PM me

or , if you'd like to get a  sheet to collect donations from friends , family or workmates , then PM Imy (micra_wrc) as mentioned above.

Glasgow area will have a meet on the 7th December at the Brewers Fayre Hillington 7 for 7:30 to finalise last details , see you there if you can make it .




Yorkhill have been quite specific about what we can/can't give as presents - so we would prefer cash donations . We will then use that to buy the kind of presents that the hospital would like for the kids.


Me and Jen have already bought a toy for the Yorkhill Santa Cruise. It's a fisher-Price train thingy (same as the one our Hollie at 16months loves!)

Will this be ok or would a cash donation be better 'cos we could give the train away as a prezzy to future nephews/nieces etc.

Cash donation is not a problem though, is PayPal an option?



Imy ,

Stickers are organised - thanks Robert (STI pretender)

These will be available at the next meet for cost price (£4)

Decorations for the cars are entirely up to the owner - but there will be a prize for the best decorated on the day .

Alan ,

The kiddies trainset sounds just perfect .

Here is a copy of the summary sheet Imy had at the last meet :-


Everyone ,

We need your donation sheets in before we can go shopping -idealy before the end of next week .

I can be at Brewers fayre Hillington this Thursday (16th) to collect them if required .

We'll be looking for volunteers to go shopping for pressies [G].

There will be two shopping trips , 1st one hopefully either the 18th or 25th ,

2nd one will be on the day before the event (Saturday 9th) as we hope to raise a load more cash from the meal and raffle at Fai17s restaurant on Friday 8th December .

Please let us know ASAP if you are available to help on these days .

Cheers ,



Thanks everyone for the great response so far .

I've spoken again with our contacts at Yorkhill and their PR dept , and they are looking forward to this years Santa Cruise .

I've ammended my previous post as we have to assemble at Robroyston/Bishopbriggs Asda on the 10th December at 11AM so that we are all ready to depart at 12midday .as we have to arrive at Yorkhill at 1PM .

Can anyone wanting to hand in their donation sheets please try to meet me in Brewers fayre Hillington carpark tomorrow , Thursday 16th @ 7:30PM

or  PM me to make other arrangements if that doesn't suit .  

  This will let us start buying presents .

Cheers ,




Hi guys i'm jast a newbie but u guys are great.

Santa cruise is brilliant!!!

i have never been to any meets or anything but would still love to donate as yorhill ROCKS!!!!

oh and i drive a sport wagon 98, But i love it.

any help would be great.




Welcome aboard George !

Try to come along to the meet on 7th December when the final arrangements will be sorted out .

Or PM me if you have any questions .

The stickers have arrived folks and will be available at the Dec meet at £4 - thanks Robert (STI pretender)

Please can you all get any donations in ASAP ?

I can be at the Brewers fayre Hillington carpark on Thursday evening 7.30 if anyone wants to meet me there to hand in donations  .

Cheers ,




Please get any outstanding donations in ASAP guys & gals ....

We need to get monys in to let us get shopping for pressies for the kids .

I'll be at the Brewers fayre Hillington carpark on Thursday evening 7.30 if anyone wants to meet me there to hand in donations  .

PM me if you need other arrangements .

We need final numbers now , to inform both the hospital and the Police .


List of Glasgow area Santa Cruise attendees ...

Please add your names below , in the usual manner




1/ Ally-b

2/ Fai17

3/ imy

4/ squirrel

5/ STI Pretender

6/ mctwistuk

7/ st3ph3n

8/ Nanaki

9/ Alan-G and Fab1

10/GaryD & Lesley


I suppose i had better put my name down [:o]

1/ Ally-b

2/ Fai17

3/ imy

4/ squirrel

5/ STI Pretender

6/ mctwistuk

7/ st3ph3n

8/ Nanaki

9/ Alan-G and Fab1

10/GaryD & Lesley

11/ Karps

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