david_taylor Posted October 12, 2006 Posted October 12, 2006 Quote Quote Good, then you could fight it. Personally I would not chance it. If you went to court and lost, you would end up with a much larger bill than £800, thousands probably. Is there any damage to your car?? clip for the indicator in the bumper broke, n that was all fuzzy If you are going to fight it then I would get it fixed right away. I imagine that the insurance company would send the cops round to look at your car pretty quickly. You know insurance companies. Never want to pay a dime eh!
st3ph3n Posted October 12, 2006 Posted October 12, 2006 A round of applause for Alan as he's used the word bint in day to day conversation. Sir, I salute you. As far as the claim goes - you'll either get away with it or not. Phone your insurance company again and get their thoughts on if they contested the claim what would happen etc. The claimeeeee will have to prove it was your fault, rather than you prove it wasn't. But find out how much your insurance will go up by and if it's not much just bend over and take it. I had a claim for my first car that took almost a year through the insurance companies, lawyers and then almost the courts to fix. A bus hit me and it clearly wasn't my fault. End result - I got my claim paid, got £50 sweetner for my troubles, but had to set aside at least 3 days of my time for lawyers visits and then a planned court case which was only canceled at 4pm the day before it was due to happen. Worth the £50? Hell no.
scoobyfuzzy Posted October 12, 2006 Author Posted October 12, 2006 il wait n see wot ma solicitor says, if hes says i would be better paying it, i will, if he thinks iv got a case, then i will b fighting it. will let u know wot happens fuzzy
Alan-G Posted October 12, 2006 Posted October 12, 2006 Sounds like you just Kissed her. Wont be doin that again Fuzzy ! Lol. I say Lol. nobody got hurt, just a walletache for the insurance. You know it makes sense. Best. Alan + crew.
scoobyfuzzy Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 Sounds like you just Kissed her. thats just disgusting alan, she was about 60 year old. lol would be like kissing ma granny. lol
david_taylor Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Meant to say Fuzzy. I has a incident when I wrote my RS Turbo off. I guy I was overtaking pulled out to overtake the car in front of him and hit me. I ended up smashing into a parked A4 in a layby. Killed the car and done my shoulders in. Was off work for three months. Anyway, although he admitted to me at the time it was his fault. When insurnce got involved they tried to blame me, even though there story was physically impossible to replacte. Luckily that night the guy that was behind me called the police to report it, and his story backed up mine. An independant witness...you would think that would mean no contest. It took three years to come to court, and I had to take the hit for the three years on my insurance, as you are still held liable until proven. Like Stephen, the day before court they took the hit. I got money for car, injuries and inconvenience. Around 8.5k for a 2 k car. The other insurance company knew they had no chance, but they would rather take the hit and p!ss you off for a long time than settle quickly. Hope you dont have the same hassle. Dave
Fab 1 Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Hi there scoobyfuz Firstly not good about all this. It's horrendous having an accident, main thing is no-one was serious injured. Moving on, and putting on my legal hat: Firstly you are liable due to the fact that you caused the accident by running into her, I;m sure I don't need to quote the traffic legislation used by the traf cops here, we all kinda know it....... Because of this legisislation you are at fault. Unfortunately. You admitted liability by providing your details to her. She did the correct thing by contacting her insurers. Who would repair the car at an approved garage that they use. This is where the 'monetary value' of the claim really is outwith your control. The garage views insurance claims as a bit of a lottery win, unfortunately, and everyone one's a bit of the cash. In my opinion go down the route of the insurance company, as I had said to Alan, your premiums aint gonna rise by 800 quid next year, and on top of that I would be seriously surprised if she doesn't go down the route of personal 'whiplash injuries'. I can explain this further if you want what she can claim, what she is liable to claim for and approx cost's. Aint good, and a hell of a lot more that £800. My advice, go down the route of your insurance company that's what you pay for, and in this instance because unfortunately you ran into the back of her the law is unfortunately greatly on her side. If you need any further advice just give my an IM. That's goes for any of you, I'm more Employment law orientated but will try to help in any way I can. Best wishes and off with the legal hat jen
scoobyfuzzy Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 ok, thanks for the advice jen. as u say i may well end up having to pay alot more in the long run, id be better just cutting ma losses n paying the 800,, probably.......... anyone for a cheap wrx, say offers around £800??????? nah just kiddin lol fuzzy
Fab 1 Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Whoa!!!!!! hold your horses! Is your excess £800? of so then, yeah you do need to pay £800. However as you are going down the route of insurance company the only payment you make is your excess whatever that is and NOTHING more! check your policy! If the lady is going down the insurance route and asking you for an additional £800, then that is a fraudulent claim on her part! You don't pay anything to anyone unless it's your insurance company and only as I have said in payment of your excess. Jen
scoobyfuzzy Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 Quote Whoa!!!!!! hold your horses! Is your excess £800? of so then, yeah you do need to pay £800. However as you are going down the route of insurance company the only payment you make is your excess whatever that is and NOTHING more! check your policy! If the lady is going down the insurance route and asking you for an additional £800, then that is a fraudulent claim on her part! You don't pay anything to anyone unless it's your insurance company and only as I have said in payment of your excess. Jen when i spoke to her insurance company 2day, they said i had to pay £200 excess plus another 600 odd for the repairs to the car. fuzzy
david_taylor Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Quote Quote Whoa!!!!!! hold your horses! Is your excess £800? of so then, yeah you do need to pay £800. However as you are going down the route of insurance company the only payment you make is your excess whatever that is and NOTHING more! check your policy! If the lady is going down the insurance route and asking you for an additional £800, then that is a fraudulent claim on her part! You don't pay anything to anyone unless it's your insurance company and only as I have said in payment of your excess. Jen when i spoke to her insurance company 2day, they said i had to pay £200 excess plus another 600 odd for the repairs to the car. fuzzy I take it from that, that you are not fully comp?
scoobyfuzzy Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 Quote Quote Quote Whoa!!!!!! hold your horses! Is your excess £800? of so then, yeah you do need to pay £800. However as you are going down the route of insurance company the only payment you make is your excess whatever that is and NOTHING more! check your policy! If the lady is going down the insurance route and asking you for an additional £800, then that is a fraudulent claim on her part! You don't pay anything to anyone unless it's your insurance company and only as I have said in payment of your excess. Jen when i spoke to her insurance company 2day, they said i had to pay £200 excess plus another 600 odd for the repairs to the car. fuzzy I take it from that, that you are not fully comp? yeah im fully comp
david_taylor Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Then you should not be paying any more than your excess. Sure they were not just giving you a breakdown of the total cost of the claim?
sheep Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 You should only pay the excess then the insurance pay the rest
scoobyfuzzy Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 Quote Then you should not be paying any more than your excess. Sure they were not just giving you a breakdown of the total cost of the claim? when i phoned her company, i asked how much i was to pay, they said the excess plus the 600 odd for repairs, n i could just send them a cheque for the full amount or pay it with ma card. fuzzy
Fab 1 Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Hi Scooby Highly irregular that the insurance company are asking you to pay in 'excess' of your excess. Your excess is £200 that constitutes in you policy that you pay £200 nothing else, hence the term 'excess'. If your insurance company is adament that you have to pay an additional £600 ask them to put this in writing to you and to ensure that they explain in writing why this is the case. For now I would only pay the £200 as stated in your policy. If you have your policy to hand then have a read at it, if you don't in the same phonecall to them, ask them to forward the details of your terms and conditions to you. There may be something in the 'small print' that allows them to claim additional expenses from you however this is highly unlikely. As I have said only pay the excess and explain that you require written explanations as to the additional requriement of the payment of £600. Jen
scoobyfuzzy Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 ok, but when they said the 200 excess, i think they ment her excess, cos mines is 350. fuzzy
scoobyfuzzy Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 hold on, no, i was to pay the 800, if i didnt want my no claims n that affected, got a bit mixed up there fuzzy
Fab 1 Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 The only money you should be paying your insurance company is your excess being therefore £350.00. You do not unless othewise stated in your policy that you should also pay her excess. That is not your problem but is included in the 'settlement' figure paid to her by your insurance. Again if your insurance company is asking for additional premiums in addition to the payment of the excess you do not under any circumsatances pay this until you recieve a written explanation to this by your company in reference to the insurance policy that you agreed to. Hope all this makes sense Jen
doorman Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 If it was me i would cought up,any claims in the last year,any asbos in the last year.this wasw from an indian bloke from Qoute me appy!
scoobyfuzzy Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 yeah, cool, i will phone ma company back 2moro. cheers again for ur help fuzzy
nanaki Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 This is a mess isn't it. Right I was in a similar situation here. I bumped the back of another drivers car at a roundabout. Bumpers of both cars needed replaced. We swpaed insurance details and all other formalites. She put in a claim to her insurance company for the repairs carried out without asking me. I then recieved a letter stating that I was believed to be at fault and liable etc...from her insurance company. I called them and stated that I was not accepting liability. I phoned her up. Asked her what the total bill was for repair to her car and it came to £145. My excess at the time was £300 however losing 2 years no claims while only 22 years old and paying it all didnt sound like a good idea to me so I asked her to call of her insurance company and I would send her a cheque for the bill. She was fine by this, cashed it and everyone was happy. I never did bother getting my front bumper replaced as it was an old car and still drove fine. (in fairness mine was goosed, hers was scratched a little) Now in your case where this other driver is getting £800 for repairs I'd be interested to know. Ask for a breakdown of the bill so they can prove thats what it cost. What you need to work out it are you cheeper forking out your own cash to repair both carsto avoide losing no claims and your premiums going up for the next 3-4 years till you get your no claims back again. Or are you better off paying your excess (£350) and paying the higher premiums that come with it for the next yew years. Which ever figure comes out less wins.
scoobyfuzzy Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 ok guys, made a few phones calls, no my options r are, pay the 800 so it doesnt affect my no claims, or pay my excess of 350 n take higher premiums for the next few years. been on the phone to my brokers to see how much my premiums will be affected, they say worst case senario, an extra 100 a year. so, from that, i think im just gonna pay the excess, loss ma no claims, n pay an extra 100 a year for ma insurance, thats better than having to fork out 800 all in one go. but ive still not accepted liabilty. told them im disputing it, il wait til i see the breakdown of the repairs that were done. fuzzy
peter_reid Posted October 14, 2006 Posted October 14, 2006 My Dad reversed into a car a month ago. Insurance sorted the guys car no problem. Because there wasn't a claim going in for my Dad's car there was no excess to pay. How come you have to pay the excess because even though your fully comp they only use the 3rd party part of your insurance to pay for the other car? Dad's Insurance company is Norwich Union Direct BTW. Pete
scoobyfuzzy Posted November 18, 2006 Author Posted November 18, 2006 ok guys, old subject, but latest update, last phone call i made to my insurance company was, i was disputing it until i see the breakdown of repairs etc, and there were no to pay out until i see it, still waiting on the breakdown n photos, but got a letter last week from my company saying that they have paid out, even thou i told them not to, so now ive been to the police about it, they said her insurance company could not go ahead with the repairs without contacting me about it first and theyve advised me to go to the ombudsman place to sort it out, so i foned my insurance company to ask why they paid out, and they said i told them to, which i have never done, so told them i was taking it to that ombudsman place, they then put me on hold, came back n said all the phone calls i made should of been recorded, so they will need to check the recordings of the phonecalls n get back to me in a couple of days. so i will wait n see wot they say when they get back to me fuzzy
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