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Nice one craig you were very intertaining at the hairpin... Hope to get pax lap next time...

Thanks to scoobaroo / gogsie ( that jdm has got some grunt ) and sorry forgot you'r name person in the black hawkeye for the pax laps you raised £30 to santacruise... Brilliant day...

PS Who do i give the donation to ?

















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It was the look on Dougie C's face when he got out of the car [;)]

I will never forget it, ear to ear like a cheshire cat, and he was just gibbering LOL[:)]


Yes, I must admit I was smiling from cheek to cheek when I got out the car.

Thanks for calling me a cheshire cat CraiG :)  I never gibber rubbish it was the adrealine rush.

Thanks again to St3ph3n and Marty also for the pax laps.

Sorry if I left the brown patch on your seats guys (should have took spare boxer shorts!!) Just kidding.

Awesome day and well worth a donation to Santa Cruise the next time I see Spooks or Rosie.

Great photos Jac couldn't decide if it was me in the photo's (embarassed)

Ok going to stop gibbering now.


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Give your Santa Cruise donation to your RO.......not sure if your classing yourself as Central or Glasgow though....you decide mate.....if its central I will gladly meet you and get your donation....




It doesn't matter to me paul. I can pay with paypal or meet monday night at stirling services...


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Oh big deal, I heard you blew away Gav in the Wallace Performance Evo ooooooo

And he even said you were easily the fastest Scoob there on the day oooooooo[:|]

Well just as well i was not there, and Russs noz that too.[:)]

One thing i will say though, why is it when an Aberdeen car rips the ar5e out of everyone else it vanishes off the board really quickly?

Is it czo it is not part of the sctish scobs? or should it be "Central scoobies" Bet if it was a central car we would never have heard the end of it.........[:D]

I wonder if this is why Airshire scoobs started there own forum, not getting the respect and recognition deserved?

Well done mac and wuz, but your cars days are numbered, i WILL whip it when i get the chance to make a track day, watch this space

Sounds like that wuz has built a great car, yet to come across it myself, but the craig mc might think oh oh what is that, when i see it!!


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^^^^^^^^^ WTF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

It lives does it..... " JUST BRING IT" [6]

Put up or shut up.[:@]

Think you better have a wee chat with Russs, who i might add "does not and has never heard of you" and he might save you a wee bit of [:$] because thats all you will be.

Please go back under your stone 


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We do never hear the end of it! Craig's posting like a man possesed about how good the car is. I jest big man, it is great and you (and wuz) should be very proud [:)]

I don't think there's any question of "central scoobies". Scottish Scoobies as a whole proved they were the best car club in the country at crail, and were awarded as such. The 4 fastest scoobs on the day came from Tayside, Glasgow, Not sure about Andy N and then Craig from Aberdeen in his PROVEN fastest new age in Scotland. The best show and shine car, which was representing the SIDC, came from Ayrshire.

And you tell us we're central scoobies?

As has been said before CF - put up or shut up. Get your PROVEN runs from Crail, or a dyno printout from wallace and I'm sure we'll all gladly down a bottle of octane booster in your honor.

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wheyyyyyyyyy heyyyyyyy, look who it is, speak about muppets and your suddenly surrounded by them, glad you found the site again m8 i only stopped laughing from your last apperance yesterday, now its going to start again [:)]

P.S. how come you or your car wasnt there? i thought you had a point to prove?

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Sounds like that wuz has built a great car, yet to come across it myself, but the craig mc might think oh oh what is that, when i see it!!



For some strange reason, i do not think this will happen.

Reason, because you live in LA LA Land, stroke goats and drive a 1.3 Chevette Hatch with neons.

Perhaps you dream of driving a scoob, and being part of one of the best, if not the best drivers clubs in the country.

Pity that in your club your the only member, I bet you are really good at stroking too.

No further comment Ma Lord


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I'm beginning to tire of this guy too, although I have to admit, to begin with I found him amusing [:D]


Gav wasn't driving my Evo, I was, and it is my own car, nothing to do with WP. It is 9 years old, 104000 miles, woeful tyres and only mods to induction, exhaust, boost controller and a map. Standard knackered old engine, turbo, head etc etc

Hardly surprising a newish well sorted STI was a little quicker for a short spell of lap or so. More to do with the driver than anything else anyway. Ask Craig, there was nothing between them in a straight line.

He definitely had more grip and of course guts [:)]


Oh, and please PM me your Reg no. if you will, and I'll go find your dyno graphs......[*-)]


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Hardly surprising a newish well sorted STI was a little quicker for a short spell of lap or so. More to do with the driver than anything else anyway. Ask Craig, there was nothing between them in a straight line.

He definitely had more grip and of course guts [:)]


Oh, and please PM me your Reg no. if you will, and I'll go find your dyno graphs......[*-)]



There was very little between them in a straight line at all, although It never actually caught me LOL infact i think i remember passing you on the pit straight[;)]

Guts then yes, or others have referred to it as "Madness"[*-)] and also massive nads LOL........[:D]

Now there you go CF, PM Russs your reg and he can post your graphs up for you!!

Now we will see the truth, See what your Chevette 1.3 can really do, Oh i hope you remembered to switch of your neons as they sap power FPMSL[:'(]


PS Phillip trees?

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Oh big deal, I heard you blew away Gav in the Wallace Performance Evo ooooooo

And he even said you were easily the fastest Scoob there on the day oooooooo[:|]

Well just as well i was not there, and Russs noz that too.[:)]

One thing i will say though, why is it when an Aberdeen car rips the ar5e out of everyone else it vanishes off the board really quickly?

Is it czo it is not part of the sctish scobs? or should it be "Central scoobies" Bet if it was a central car we would never have heard the end of it.........[;)]

I wonder if this is why Airshire scoobs started there own forum, not getting the respect and recognition deserved?

Well done mac and wuz, but your cars days are numbered, i WILL whip it when i get the chance to make a track day, watch this space

Sounds like that wuz has built a great car, yet to come across it myself, but the craig mc might think oh oh what is that, when i see it!!


Mr Fantastic,

I think the time has come to

end this little game of yours [|-)] and provide us all with proof this super fast Sti

of your really does exist now that even the tuner you claim built it knows

nothing about it[;)]. I for one think your full of sh1te and really drive one of

them slow EVO [|-)] things do bad things to goats [:$] and hug trees all day long, not

that I’ve anything against hugging trees mind you[:D]. So if you would be so kind

and provide the proof your super fast Scoobie is real I’m sure everyone would welcome

you with open arms [{].




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It is 9 years old, 104000 miles, woeful tyres and only mods to induction, exhaust, boost controller and a map. Standard knackered old engine, turbo, head etc etc

Not wanting to add fuel to a non-  burning fire ( I personally thought you and the car had a good day at Knockhill, car looked fairly composed through Duffus, etc!)......but thats not what I hear. Were you not adjusting suspension damping after each outing on the track? You were seen by several people doing what looked like this to the front strut-tops?

Can you remind me what BHP and Torque Craig said you told him you have on the car after it was R/R'ed just a few days B4? Craig informed me you said that is was about 410/370......NOT QUITE WHAT YOU WOULD CALL A TIRED CAR WITH BREATHING MODS, KNACKERED OLD ENGINE AND "A MAP" is it?

Finally, if your car is 9 years old, it means your EVO 6 was made in about September 1997..................?


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Wuz, you really have it in for me/WP don't you?

I meant engine/power mods. It also has coilovers. The tyres I got for free, so it gives you an idea of how grippy they are not.

Oh, my mistake, I just checked and the reg document says June 98, terribly sorry.

The block and head ARE totally standard, no cams, headwork, or anything, so only power mods are to exhaust and intake.

Still on original turbo, and the whole lot has done 104k miles.

No idea why I'm bothering rising to this.

Was on the point of offering you a white flag too. If you don't know how useful having access to a local dyno is then never mind.

While we are on the subject, Craigs car didn't "pass" me at Knockhill, I let him pass. That is part of track etiquette.

He readily admitted there was nothing in it on the straights, so he couldn't have passed without getting in trouble.

Also dyno figures were 395bhp 380ft/lbs and that is what I told craig.

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